Page 49 - EW August 2021
P. 49

Moreover, our teachers undergo 300 hours of   Ekta Sodha
             professional digitally-enabled training every year
             from global and Indian education experts.    CEO, Cadmus Sodha Group
             Readiness of Heritage schools for reopening and   of Schools, Jamnagar
             safety precautions. We have been prepared to
             welcome teachers and students on our campuses    n education postgradu-
             for a while now with well-defined SOPs           ate of Newcastle Uni-
             (standard operating procedures) and changes  Aversity, UK, Ekta Sodha
             in infrastructure. All protocols are in place with   is the Jamnagar (Gujarat)-
             strict adherence to Covid-19 guidelines issued by   based CEO of the Cadmus
             the government and medical fraternity.      Sodha Group of Schools, a
                                                         chain of five affordable K-X
             Remedial education plans post-pandemic. Our   schools in Gujarat with an
             schools will initially focus on restoring the   aggregate enrolment of 5,500
             socio-emotional well-being of every child and   students and 550 faculty.
             help students reconnect with peers and teachers
             before enforcing academic agendas. We have   How satisfied are you with the Cadmus schools’ switch to the online
             devised systems to assess learning gaps and   mode of learning over the past year?
             bridge them expeditiously across all subjects. We   The education sector is the third worst-hit after the hospitality
             are also studying strategies that have worked well   and entertainment industries. The entire education ecosystem
             in countries that reopened schools some time   is battling grave challenges such as lack of digital devices, poor
             back, and will incorporate best practices that   Internet connectivity, digitally illiterate teachers, the list is long.
             might be effective in our situation.       We have invested hundreds of man hours in training our teach-
                                                        ers in online technologies. An additional challenge for affordable
                                                        schools such as ours was to train parents and students to adapt
                                                        to our remote learning model.
                                                        What are the major measures you took to ensure learning continuity of
                                                        children against the backdrop of lack of digital devices/poor Internet
                                                        connectivity/fees waivers order by government, etc?
                                                        Cadmus schools are low-price affordable institutions. Anticipat-
                                                        ing problems such as lack of technological infrastructure, Inter-
                                                        net outages, and parents’ inability to pay full fees, we designed a
                                                        remote learning model which is cost-effective and easily man-
                                                        aged. Our model combines instruction on Zoom and WhatsApp
                                                        with students able to attend live classes on Zoom as well as
                                                        listen to recorded lectures and access notes and assignments on
                                                           On the issue of tuition fees regulation during the pandemic,
                                                        the 25 percent fees waiver order of the Gujarat government has
                                                        made the survival of private budget schools very difficult. The
                                                        essence of budget private schools is minuscule profit margins.
             Advice to digitally under-served education institutions.   According to one estimate, more than 2,000 private schools in
             Technology cannot be separated from the edu-  Gujarat are on the verge of shutting down and/or desperate to
             cational ecosystem and will drive the education   sell out.
             sector, as most sectors of the economy. Education   Should schools be reopened now? Are your schools ready for in-person
             institutions have to find ways and means to build   classes?
             digital learning infrastructure and train teachers   After the first wave of the pandemic, schools did reopen for about
             to switch to digitally-enabled learning. Students’
             aspirations should not be disregarded by institu-  two months with no major Covid outbreaks reported. Medical
                                                        evidence suggests that children are least vulnerable to the Covid
             tional managements unable or unwilling to invest
             in new technologies-enabled education. It is now   virus. Therefore, it’s high time to reopen schools to prevent ir-
                                                        reparable educational, economical and psychological damage to
             the new normal.
                                                        children. All Cadmus schools have instituted strict health and
                                                        safety measures to check the spread of Covid-19.
             Advice to government to make up for academically lost
             ground. We need a concerted effort towards re-  What are your plans for managing future pandemic disruptions?
             opening schools asap. I urge the Central and state   Whether we like it or not, new pandemics are inevitable. The
             governments to devise detailed safety guidelines   silver lining is that the initial reluctance of teachers, students
             and take the initiative to reopen schools which   and parents to accept remote learning pedagogies has vanished.
             have experienced prolonged lockdown. Vaccina-  Post-pandemic, we believe that a blended/hybrid learning model
             tion of teachers as frontline workers and intro-  is here to stay. This will connect the learning experience of Gen Z
             duction of vaccines for children aged 12-18 are   with the real world and most important, make them less suscep-
             immediate priorities.                      tible to future disruptions.

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