Page 53 - EW August 2021
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profiles, teaching resources                                             our neighbour communities.
             and assessments. Now, our                                                Moreover, the management
             new, blended learning model                                              organised free vaccination
             consists of synchronous and                                              drives for all staff mem-
             asynchronous pedagogies to                                               bers and their families and
             enable self-paced, indepen-                                              partnered with the local
             dent study with integrated                                               administration to provide
             formative assessment.                                                    aid to migrant labour. We
                Moreover, regular interac-                                            have also given fee waivers
             tion between teachers to share                                           to financially distressed par-
             and design teaching-learning                                             ents and increased the pool
             models has been empower-                                                 of student scholarships.
             ing for our faculty. Parallely,
             online parent-teacher meet-                                              Future plans to deal with
                                                                                      pandemic disruptions. I am
             ings, webinars for students/
             parents, career counseling                                               certain schools will reopen
                                                                                      this year and many state
             sessions, discussions on issues of na-
             tional and international importance   programmes. The pandemic has been   governments have already given the
                                              hard on all of us and more so for
                                                                               green signal. We are fully prepared
             and lectures on mental and emo-
             tional well-being have been regularly   socio-economically under-privileged   to implement our digitally-enabled
                                              households countrywide. Our class
                                                                               hybrid learning model with parents
             delivered during the past 15 months.
                                              XII students have devised several   as partners in their children’s
             Community service/staff/student welfare   initiatives to aid people in need in   education.
               Mansoor Khan                                                 preparing, planning and implementing
                                                                            our  online  learning  programmes  on  a
               Co-founder, DPS Bangalore &                                  war  footing  to  maintain  our  students’
               School of India                                              learning continuity. Third, we paid close
                                                                            attention to complying with ever-chang-
                     ansoor Ali Khan is co-found-
                     er/director of five K-12 DPS                           ing government rules and regulations.
               Mschools in Bengaluru and My-                                Moreover, we resolved to be gentle with
               suru (Karnataka), franchised by Delhi                        teachers, parents, children and all stake-
               Public  School  Society  (estb.1949).                        holders. We constantly remind ourselves
               The first DPS, Bangalore South was                           that we are in the midst of an unprec-
               promoted in 2001, followed by DPS,                           edented health pandemic which is taking
               Bangalore North (2002), DPS, Banga-                          lives and livelihoods.
               lore East (2007), DPS, Mysore (2012),                        What are the major community service and
               DPS, Electronic City and School of In-                       student welfare programmes launched by
               dia, Bangalore (2014). Currently, the                        your schools to aid others affected by the
               DPS schools host an aggregate 28,000                         pandemic?
               students and 2,000 teachers.                    The DPS Bangalore/Mysore and School of India manage-
                                                               ment, staff, parents, alumni and students have stepped
               How satisfied are you with your schools’ switch to the online
               mode of learning during the pandemic?           forward to help each other and society through several
               To say I’m satisfied would be an understatement. Our   social  service  initiatives.  These  include  distribution  of
               smooth transition to virtual learning has been extraor-  food rations, medicines, masks, PPE kits, sanitisers for
               dinary,  made  possible  by  our  hardworking  and  resil-  healthcare workers across Bangalore and Karnataka; pro-
               ient  teachers  —  converts  to  digitally-enabled  blended   vision of daily meals to families in quarantine identified by
               education, now the new normal. From providing online   apps created by students. DPS alumni are also working as
               classroom lessons to proctoring students’ assessment,   volunteers to help Covid-19 patients access hospital beds,
               organising online competitions and coding classes; from   oxygen cylinders, and our teachers are providing tele-
               online parent-teacher meetings to delivering one-on-one   counselling services in vernacular languages. Moreover,
               remedial classes for lagging children, our teachers have   we have given financial relief and fee waivers to our par-
               outdone themselves. They often stumbled but came back   ents who have suffered job losses.
               stronger and unstoppable.                       Should schools be reopened now? Are your schools ready for
                                                               in-person classes?
               What are the major factors that enabled the smooth switch of
               your DPS schools to online learning?            Yes, schools should reopen now. All our DPS schools and
               Our first priority was to safeguard the health and well-  School of India are fully compliant with government man-
               being of our teachers and staff. Therefore, right from April   dated Covid-19 safety protocols. Thorough safety audits
                                                               have been conducted to ensure preparedness for reopen-
               2020, we started Covid testing all staff and their families,
               and have vaccinated all of them. Second, we focused on   ing all our schools. Moreover, all teachers and staff have
                                                               been vaccinated.

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