Page 57 - EW August 2021
P. 57

solutions you devised to deal with                                  ment and financial loss, we had to
             the challenges of online learning                                   continue to pay teacher and staff
             and prolonged closure of schools?                                   salaries, invest in online technol-
             Initially as we transitioned                                        ogy as well as maintain the infra-
             to online learning, we faced                                        structure of our eight schools.
             resistance from all stakeholders.                                     To walk this fine line, we offered
             We had to create a climate for                                      our parents deferred tuition pay-
             remote learning by striking a                                       ment options, broke down fees into
             balance between parents’ expec-                                     smaller instalments and reduced
             tations, students’ co-operation                                     fees for extra-curricular activi-
             and teachers’ capabilities. We                                      ties. Simultaneously, we started
             devised acceptable protocols for                                    working on slashing administra-
             these important stakeholders.                                       tive expenditure. Despite all this,
             Every detail starting from lesson                                   we are still dealing with many fees
             planning, guest lectures, assess-                                   defaulters.
             ments, libraries, lab experi-    to work hard to create a 360 degree
             ments, PTMs etc, were adapted to   programme for them. Since children   What are your plans to manage the
                                                                               continuing pandemic disruption?
             the online mode.                 could not come to school, we sent   The first step is to work proactively
                The second challenge was to train   the school to their homes. Today,
             our frontline workers — teachers —   parents of our pre-schoolers have   towards devising strategies to reopen
             for the world of virtual education.   acknowledged these efforts.   our schools. We are working on de-
             We found that younger teachers were                               tailed plans and protocols to ensure
             faster at adapting tech tools. With   Many state governments have issued   safety of our students and staff,
             their co-operation we created online   fees reduction diktats in the pandemic   making up for learning loss, train-
             platforms for peer learning and col-  year. How have your schools coped with   ing teachers and students to work
             laboration across all our schools.   this financial exigency?      with our newly designed hybrid/
                Initially, parents of pre-schoolers   It has been a roller coaster ride.   blended teaching-learning model and
             in particular were sceptical about the   While we understand that some of   maintaining financial sustainability
             efficacy of online schooling. We had   our parents have suffered employ-  to manage further disruptions.
              Sachin Vats                                      invited from parents and new support systems such as
                                                               our Study-Buddy System and Angel Parent Commu-
              Founder, Gurukul  e School, Ghaziabad            nity were devised to enable students to adjust to online
                   achin Vats is founder-director of CBSE-affiliated   Besides, the management has been very sympathetic
                   Gurukul The School, Ghaziabad which has 2,055   to parents facing financial crises and has supported
              Sstudents and 162 teachers on its muster rolls.  them in all possible ways.
              Degree of satisfaction with the school’s switch                Major community service initiatives
              to e-learning. The pandemic resulted in                        launched during the pandemic. Several
              closure of schools, but our learning never                     social service projects such as Project
              stopped. I am very satisfied with the swift                    Lifeline, Mammography camp were
              transition to new digital technologies led                     launched by the school’s Interact
              by Gurukul teachers and our students’                          Club. We also tied up with Blood
              positive response. This has ensured                            Bank of Ghaziabad and launched the
              learning continuity of all children and no                     Gurukul Blood Bank.
              child is left behind.
                                                                             Plans to deal with future pandemic
              Major factors behind Gurukul’s smooth                          disruptions. We are absolutely future
              adaptation to online learning. The most                        ready. The prime drivers of learning
              important was the quick decision of the                        — our teachers — are fully equipped
              management to skill our teachers to use                        with 21st century digital skills to
              new digital technologies effectively. The                      develop our children’s multiple
              school’s Schoolpad ERP enabled teachers                        intelligences. The management has
              to upload learning resources and conduct                       liberally invested in world-class
              assessments. Repeated in-house training sessions   digital infrastructure and high security optical fibre
              were organised for teachers to devise digitally-enabled   networks which seamlessly connect every nook and
              pedagogies with the school providing them continuous   corner of the school.
              emotional, financial and moral support.            Therefore, we are ready for reopening with all safety
                 Moreover, to ease the anxiety of our parents commu-  protocols implemented. The campus has been remod-
              nity, multiple counselling and orientation sessions were   elled with washrooms, water dispensers and cafeteria
              conducted by child psychologists, national cyber security   and other areas redesigned to ensure minimal touch
              experts, and trained counsellors. Regular feedback was   and best hygiene and sanitisation.

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