Page 58 - EW August 2021
P. 58

Cover Story

             Ritu Sharma                      remains — holistic development of
                                              our students. Therefore right from
             Principal, DPS, Kamptee Road,    the start, we accorded equal impor-
             Nagpur                           tance to academic and co-curricular
                                              education to ensure the spiritual and
                   itu Sharma is principal of DPS,
                   Kamptee Road, since 2019.   mental well-being of our children.
             RThis CBSE-affiliated co-ed      Despite reduced hours of instruc-
             K-12 school has 3,422 students and   tion, we followed a daily routine of
             115 teachers on its muster rolls.  online prayers and yoga sessions,
                                              counselled parents and students,
             How satisfied are you with your school’s   and organised virtual nature trails,
             switch to the online mode of learning?  summer camps and several cultural
             With the pandemic showing no signs   and literary events. Simultaneously,
             of abating, I’m glad we acted swiftly   we continuously monitored every
             when the lockdown was announced   student’s academic progress and
             in March 2020, and moved our class-  conducted remedial classes to bridge
             es online from pre-primary to higher   learning gaps.
             secondary education. This was a dif-  Many state governments directed private   appeal to parents to continue paying
             ficult transition. Many teachers were   schools to reduce/waive school fees in   contracted fees. But with mixed
             not tech-savvy and needed intensive   the pandemic year. How has DPS, Nagpur   results.
             training. But I am grateful that over   coped with this financial exigency?  What are your plans to deal with future
             the past year, our teachers and the   The loss of jobs and incomes dur-  pandemic disruptions?
             entire staff went the extra mile to
             ensure that our children didn’t suffer   ing the pandemic demanded that   I believe that online/blended learn-
                                              we sympathise with our children,
                                                                               ing is here to stay. Therefore, we will
             learning loss during this crisis.
                                              parents, teachers and staff. But with   continue to develop online teaching-
             What are the innovations you introduced   the school obliged to meet fixed and   learning capabilities and pedago-
             to cope with the challenges of online   ongoing expenses, this has been a   gies to ensure that our children are
             learning?                        challenging period. We had no op-  provided high quality 21st century
             Our primary objective was — and   tion but to reduce expenditure and   education.

             Razia Beebi T.A                                                   of lectures which helped improve
                                                                               accessibility and supplemented
             Principal, Jawahar Navodaya                                       the efforts of the Union education
             Vidyalaya, Alleppey                                               ministry’s Swayam Prabha channels.
                                                                               CBSE and NCERT also conducted
                   azia Beebi T.A is principal of                              online capacity building programmes
                   the fully-residential, Central-                             and workshops  through the govern-
             Rgovernment promoted Jawa-                                        ment’s Diksha portal for teachers,
             har Navodaya Vidyalaya, Alleppey                                  which were helpful.
             (estb.1992) which has 486 rural
             students mentored by 25 teachers on                               Strategies to deal with learning loss.
             its muster rolls.                                                 Google Meet and Microsoft Teams
                                                                               are being used as platforms for
             Degree of satisfaction with forced                                delivery of effective teaching to our
             switch to e-learning. The Covid-19                                students. Our teachers routinely
             pandemic has affected education in                                monitor students’ online attendance
             unprecedented ways. Limited access                                and make regular phone calls to as-
             to Internet connectivity and digital                              sess and enquire about their health,
             devices unaffordability hampered                                  problems with online learning and
             learning continuity of a large number   these trying times.       emotional well-being. When they
             of students residing in rural areas   Addressing challenges of lack of digital   discern learning gaps, remedial
             and from poor households. Reports   gadgets and poor Internet connectivity.   instructional material is sent to stu-
             of associated health problems includ-  We have been able to overcome the   dents through WhatsApp and Google
             ing digital addiction emerged as a   problem of limited access to Internet   Classroom. Google forms are used
             result of children’s extended screen   and digital devices through regular   to assess students and their subjects
             time and over reliance on technol-  PTA meetings and donation drives.   proficiency.
             ogy. Moreover reduced interaction   The Central government’s efforts
             with peers significantly impacted   to bridge the technological divide   Future plans. I am confident that
             children’s social skills development.   through its Digital India campaign   when schools are reopened for actual
             Nevertheless, our school made a   has also yielded significant results.   classes, all safety guidelines will be
             smooth transition to online classes   Moreover, the Kerala state govern-  strictly followed. Until then, we will
             which ensured learning continuity in   ment broadcast a televised series   continue to teach through interactive
                                                                               online classes.

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