Page 62 - EW August 2021
P. 62

Cover Story

             Bhupinder Gogia                  duced to make up for the learning loss
                                              suffered by children and support their
             Principal, Sat Paul Mittal School,   mental well-being?
             Ludhiana                         We have designed an effective
                                              teacher-student connect programme
                  hupinder Gogia is principal
                  of the CISCE-affiliated Sat   which has enhanced communication
             BPaul Mittal School, Ludhiana    between teachers and students. This
             (SPMS), ranked Punjab’s #1 co-ed   is complemented by robust online
                                              counselling and Quality Circle Time
             day school in the EW India School
             Rankings 2020-21.                sessions. Our online SEL (socio-emo-
                                              tional learning) programme has also
             How satisfied are you with SPMS’ move   proved successful and our webinars,
             to online learning over the past year?  life skills development sessions
             Totally satisfied. SPMS was the first   have improved our children’s self-
             school in Ludhiana to transition   awareness, self-management, social
             to virtual classes after the national   awareness, relationship building and   creating a database named Covepe-
             lockdown was announced on March   problem-solving skills.         dia of Covid-19 resources.
             25, 2020. More than a year later, it’s   Community service and student welfare
             very satisfying that the collabora-  programmes...                What are your plans to deal with future
             tive efforts of teachers, parents and   A large number of students have vol-  pandemic disruptions?
             students have paid off. We have                                   We have prepared a detailed Covid
             formulated a multi-pronged strategy   unteered for a range of social service   Contingency Plan with excellent safe-
                                              programmes including webinars to
             by adopting existing and new digital                              ty protocols for sustainable reopen-
             technologies to ensure not only   train students and teachers to use   ing of our school campus. We have
                                              ICT tools and organised fund-raising
             academic learning delivery, but also                              also prepared a detailed plan to en-
             continuity of co-curricular and sports   campaigns to distribute free mo-  able our teachers to bridge children’s
                                              bile phones to underprivileged girl
             education. The credit for all this goes                           learning gaps and provide them
             to the collective efforts of our dedi-  children. Moreover, the school has   social emotional support. Moreover,
                                              partnered with local NGO CityNeeds
             cated team of teachers, admin and                                 we have developed an excellent
             support staff.                   to donate books and educational   technology-enabled hybrid learning
                                              material to less-privileged children   model which will prove useful when
             What major initiatives has SPMS intro-  and our teachers have contributed to   schools reopen.
             Bageshree Kerkar                                                  ranged digital training for all our 42
                                                                               teachers to teach online and manage
             Principal, Worli Seaface Mumbai                                   children’s stress. We also tune in to
             Public English School                                             MCGB’s television channel which
                                                                               airs subject lessons for students.
                  ageshree Kerkar is principal
                  of the local government Worli                                What is your estimate of children’s learn-
             BSeaface Mumbai Public Eng-                                       ing loss? What remedial programmes
             lish School (WSMPES, estb.2000)                                   have you introduced?
             promoted by the Municipal Corpora-                                There’s definitely been a huge learn-
             tion of Greater Mumbai. The class                                 ing loss over the past year. That’s
             I-X WSMPES is the sole municipal                                  why we decided to introduce a
             school countrywide ranked in the                                  baseline testing programme, under
             Top 10 league table of government                                 which teachers continuously revise
             day schools in the EducationWorld                                 the previous academic year’s syl-
             India School Rankings 2020-21.                                    labus. We have also started a bridge
                                                                               course of 45 days beginning July 1 in
             How have you ensured the learning   pandemic and safety precautions   which teachers will assess students’
             continuity of WSMPES children?    through our school management   learning levels and address learning
             We started conducting online classes   committee (SMC) meetings.   gaps. Once schools reopen, we will
             from May, 2020 itself by introducing                              intensify our remedial programmes.
             new teaching methods to engage stu-  Most government school children don’t
             dents online, and appreciated per-  have access to digital gadgets and   Future plans...
             formance by awarding them digital   Internet. What are the measures you took   We will continue to implement new
             trophies and certificates. This helped   to address this challenge?       online teaching methodologies to
             to improve student attendance in   Fortunately, all our 1,354 students   ensure learning continuity of our
             online classes. Moreover, our teach-  have access to at least one Android   children. But we are hopeful schools
             ers maintained contact with pupils   smartphone at home, so we all   will reopen soon and WSMPES is
             by visiting their homes to ensure   were digitally connected during   fully prepared with all Covid-19
             they didn’t drop out of school. We   the pandemic. MCGB (Municipal   safety protocols in place. We are
             also spread awareness about the   Corporation of Greater Mumbai) ar-  ready to begin in-person classes.

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