Page 66 - EW August 2021
P. 66

Young Achievers

                                              Dragons Karate Academy under the   priya, and great granddaughter of
                                              tutelage of Shihan (master instruc-  revolutionary poets the Late Padma
                                              tor) Altaf Saiyed, a certified coach and   Bhushan Maithilisharan Gupt (1886-
                                              technical director of Shobukai India.  1964), and sibling Santkavi Shri
                                                 Since then, this star striker with   Siyaramsharan Gupt (1895-1963),
                                              lightning-fast reflexes has been on   Abhijita started writing poetry at age
                                              a roll. In 2016 at age seven, he won   five. “When she turned three, Abhi-
                                              a bronze at the National Martial Art   jita could read complete sentences.
                                              Games, Mumbai. Two years later, he   Impressed by her progress, I bought
                                              won his first gold in the Under-14   her a collection of read-it-yourself
                                              category of the district-level Shito Ryu   books and by age five, she had com-
                                              Karate championship. In 2019, when   pleted four levels and even managed
                                              he turned ten, the Black Dragons   to build impressive vocabulary. On
                                              Karate Academy awarded him a Black   Mother’s Day the following year, she
                                              Belt. The same year, he won gold and   surprised me by writing her first full
                                              silver in the Under-14 category of   poem dedicated to me. It was then
                                              the 10th Independence National and   that we recognised the poet in her,”
                                              International Karate Championships   says Anupriya, mother of this gifted
                                              held in Vadodara.                child author.
                                                 “Kairav’s dedication and hard work   Abhijita’s maternal grandfather
                                              are exemplary. He is the young-  and several members of the extended
                  KAIRAV SANGHVI              est Black Belt of our academy. His   family are medical practitioners.
                                              achievements and conduct will take   Inspired by their conversations
                                              him a long way,” says Shihan Saiyed.  surrounding Covid and medical
                   airav Sanghvi (12), a class   Over the past six years, this karate   treatment to contain its spread, last
                   VI student of Ahmedabad’s   champ has conscientiously developed   winter she wrote We Will Surely
             Khighly-ranked St. Kabir         the discipline and mental toughness   Sustain on the incidence and spread
             School, is among a growing league   required of this sport. “I am ready to   of the pandemic and its impact on
             of promising practitioners of kara-  work hard at my studies and karate.   her own life.
             tae, the mentally and physically   My dream is to win an Olympics   Driven by a generous nature,
             demanding Japanese martial art.   medal,” he vows.                Abhijita donates a large percent-
             Last month (June), he was crowned   Don’t rule it out!            age of the royalty from her books to
             e-Kata champion in the Under-14       Runa Mukherjee Parikh (Ahmedabad)  Chhoti Chhoti Khushiyan, a non-
             category of the Ahmedabad-based                                   profit working to eradicate hunger
             International Shotokan Karate                                     among the poor. She has also raised
             United (ISKU) online Kata Champi-                                 funds to help the underprivileged
             onship, a substantial improvement     ABHIJITA GUPT               suffering income and job losses in
             over last July’s championship when                                this pandemic. “When I grow up, I
             he bagged the bronze.                                             want to serve poor people as a doc-
                Competing in karate tourna-         lthough she is yet only a class   tor. However, I will continue to write
             ments is routine for this pre-teen     III student of the Presidium   because I believe that’s God’s gift to
             Black Belt. Thus far, he has won 13  ASchool, Delhi, Abhijita Gupt   me,” says this inspiring child author,
             district, state, national and interna-  (8) is the author of two books. Her   now working on her third title which
             tional-level Kata and Kumite — solo   first published last September, was a   she expects to complete by October-
             and duo techniques of self-defence   prose and poetry volume titled Hap-  end.
             — tournaments with a medals tally   piness All Around and her second,             Autar Nehru (Delhi)
             of 24. “Covid has changed every-  a non-fiction book We Will Surely
             thing. I never imagined attending   Sustain was published in
             online school, let alone participat-  February this year. These
             ing in an online karate tournament.   feats have won her entries
             Neither tasks are easy given our   in the International Book
             poor connectivity. Kata i.e, solo   of Records, World Book of
             tournaments have also moved      Records, UK, Asia Book of
             online with participants required   Records and India Book of
             to make video submissions,” he   Records. Moreover, she has
             laments.                         inked an agreement with
                The only child of Rasesh Sang-  Invincible Publishers, Guru-
             hvi, a private firm executive, and   gram to write four books.
             mother Ruhi, a naturopath, Kairav   The only child of Ashish
             was introduced to this traditional   Gupt, a chartered accoun-
             Japanese martial art at age six   tant working for Mother
             when his father enrolled him in the   Dairy, and engineer-turned
             Navrangpura centre of the Black   businesswoman Anu-

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