Page 71 - EW August 2021
P. 71

ready privileged, campaigners say. “Career planning in this
             system is a matter of luck and especially disfavours groups
             which need a higher degree of stability, e.g, researchers with
             children, women, people with disabilities and internation-
             als,” says a statement from N2, a network of doctoral re-
                The video appears to have aroused such anger because
             instead of suggesting that this churn was problematic and
             a sign that the law had backfired, it made it clear that the
             ministry was perfectly happy to “use people to get the best
             impact” and then spit them out “to the market”, says Dr.
                Since then, the ministry has been forced to remove the
             video, saying it no longer reflects working conditions in
             German academia. But it has continued to argue that it is
             normal for fixed-term contracts to be offered to workers in
             their “qualification phase”, and that not all junior research-  Chinese coaching school: heavy financial burden
             ers could or should stay in academia in the long term.
                                                              more than ten hours a week, according to Deloitte, an ac-
               CHINA                                          countancy firm. There is widespread speculation, including
             Sword over coaching institutions                 in state media, that the new rules will impose limits on tu-
                                                              ition timings. They may, for example, prohibit classes after
                    UNTIL CHILDREN REACH THE AGE OF ABOUT     a certain time in the evening, during the summer holidays
                    15 in China, education is free. So why is it that more   and on weekends.
                    than half of a typical family’s spending goes on it?   Some analysts think the government may have another
             The answer is coaching/ cramming classes: a financial bur-  motive. Many cram/coaching companies are offshoots of
             den so great that it is often said to discourage couples from   China’s tech giants, including Alibaba and Tencent, which
             having children at all. Now officials are trying to rein in   have come under regulatory scrutiny this year for dominat-
             the coaching industry, in part, to relieve the pressure on   ing markets and expanding into finance and other areas.
             people’s wallets. Parents are not sure it will work.  Targeting the cramming business could be another way of
                As many of them see it, cramming is not optional. Ex-  clipping their wings.
             ams for entry to senior high schools are fiercely competitive.   Parents wonder whether they will benefit. Some fret the
             Then comes the dreaded gaokao: the university entrance   new rules will leave them with no choice but to use private
             exam on which a child’s future hinges. But as the People’s   tutors, which could prove even more costly. A resentful par-
             Daily, an official newspaper, reported in June, the mar-  ent of a secondary school pupil in Beijing blames the Com-
             ket for coaching services is plagued by “endless chaos”. It   munist Party: “It’s very simple. They just have to control
             listed problems ranging from misleading advertising to high   everything, always.”
             prices and use of unqualified teachers.
                Officials began warning months ago that they were pre-   INDIA
             paring to issue regulations to impose order. This sent shiv-  Headless varsities speculation
             ers through the industry. According to Bloomberg, several
             education firms suspended plans to list their shares. New   MORE  THAN  ONE  IN  THREE  OF  INDIA’S
             Oriental, one of China’s biggest cramming companies, saw   Central universities is without a permanent vice
             its share price on the New York Stock Exchange drop below   chancellor, raising concerns about growing po-
             $8, from a high of more than $19 in February. On June 9,   litical interference in appointments and flagging questions
             the education ministry said a new government department   about the planned transformation of the country’s higher
             would be set up to oversee such businesses, encompassing   education system. At least 21 of the 54 Central institutions
             both online tuition and lessons in the classroom.  — which are funded by the national government — do not
                The industry’s growth has been rapid. One firm, Zuoye-  have a long-term leader, including Banaras Hindu, Delhi
             bang (“help with homework”) says it offers live-streaming   and Jawaharlal Nehru universities.
             classes to more than 170 million active users per month. But   According to India’s The Telegraph, which first reported
             officials fret about the social impact. They want couples to   the shortfall, Union education ministry officials blame the
             have more children — the birth rate is the lowest in decades   prime minister’s office for not responding swiftly to lists
             and China is ageing fast. They also say that schoolchildren   of shortlisted candidates, which would then be sent to the
             are overstressed. Urban pupils attend cramming classes for   president  for  approval.  However,  critics  point  out  that

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