Page 75 - EW August 2021
P. 75
Deep dive into the world of
research at Chitkara University
Dr. Archana Mantri, Vice- chancellor, Chitkara university, Punjab
o build a successful career, you and globally.
need to stand apart from your Moreover, with the help of Science and
peers. The World is eager to Industrial Research Organization (SIRO),
Tembrace those who can think out recognised by the Department of Scientific
of the box and innovate with quick solutions and Industrial Research (DSIR), we are
to improve human lives. Academic grades serving the ministry of micro, small and
certainly help to provide a kick-start to your medium enterprises (MSMEs) to achieve
career, but what really counts is the ability to innovation in their processes and products. Dr. Archana Mantri
do innovative research. We understand how difficult it is for small IT Park and is a Government recognised
No wonder leading universities have and medium industries to establish research Technology Business Incubator (TBI).
thrived on research to reach the stage centres at their premises. So, we offer Recently, Chitkara University signed
they are in today. In universities, research testing facilities to industries, government a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
takes on a whole new meaning, seeking agencies and other collaborators. with Center for Development of Advanced
to answer baffling questions. Research With the objective to promote start-ups, Computing (C-DAC), Mohali, to promote
essentially helps students think beyond the Department of Science and Technology research and innovation. The thrust areas
classrooms opening up opportunities (DST) had set up a New Generation at C-DAC, Mohali, are cyber security,
across disciplines and helps develop Innovation and Entrepreneurship Healthcare technologies, agriculture
independent critical thinking skills. Critical Development Center (NewGen IEDC) technologies, Artificial Intelligence and
and innovative thinking helps students at Chitkara University in 2019 and has Embedded Systems. Chitkara University
excel in any preferred field. awarded a grant of ₹2.87 crore to support Central Instrumentation Facilities (CUCIF),
Keeping these points in mind, Chitkara 100 high potential student projects. In a research initiative of CURIN, is known
University provides its students and the first year, NewGen IEDC successfully for its consultancy services to the scientific
faculty the opportunity to dive into the supported 20 projects. industries and research communities.
world of research from day one. Through Let us give you an example of the It is a renowned instrumentation facility
the Chitkara University Research and research carried out at NewGen IEDC. in Chandigarh, Punjab and Haryana.
Innovation Network (CURIN), researchers In the scorching summer season, police CUCIF has visions to raise the local
work across disciplines to extend their officials perform their duty in the outdoors, industries requiring research and
boundaries of knowledge. Students get the and some even in the absence of canopies. innovation to upgrade their products. It is
platform to discuss latest ideas, research Moreover, the lack of access to electric also instrumental in offering the services
discoveries and new technologies in power prevents them from charging their to academia and research institutions
seminars. Thanks to a decade’s efforts to mobile phones and in extreme winters, in this area to validate their results with
excel in the domain, most faculty members they are unable to heat water or food. precise and advanced measurements with
now work collaboratively with the world’s Researchers at the varsity’s NewGen instrumentation facilities.
top researchers from its partner universities IEDC designed and developed an efficient CUCIF started functioning in March 2019
across a wide range of topics like Artificial Solar Powered Umbrella to address and has completed over 700 consultancy
Intelligence, Machine Learning, advanced these challenges. Representatives of projects for industries. The measurements
healthcare, next generation electronic Chitkara University also presented the from CUCIF has helped publications of
devices, cloud computing, Robotics, Solar Umbrella to the office of the Deputy 1,000 research papers in reputed journals/
Internet of Things among others. Commissioner, Patiala and offered to install conferences. Chitkara University aims
CURIN is involved in cutting-edge ten more units for police officials. To stay at to nurture the potential of every student
research, exploring new technologies to the forefront of groundbreaking innovation, and push them out of their comfort zones
improve the country’s infrastructure and Chitkara Innovation Incubator, a state-of- into the world of research. Students are
safety — and contributing to society through the-art incubation space of over 15,000 equipped with technical prowess and
its discoveries and innovations. CURIN sq ft, has been established to engage analytical skills which make them capable
enjoys the glory of filing over 750 patents with over 155 start-ups such as Medzak to face diverse challenges. With a large
and 2,000 Scopus Indexed journals that Healthcare, Anukai, GFF Innovations, Chai number of patents already under its belt,
serve the scientific community. The patents Nagri, SchoolPad Technologies etc. It is Chitkara University has succeeded in
are serving a number of industries locally located at 1 km distance from Rajiv Gandhi making a difference in the world.