Page 79 - EW August 2021
P. 79

The consequence is    compliant establishment
             that 40-50 percent of the   that have misruled post-  DOOM: THE POLITICS OF
             residents of India’s 4,000   independence India.     CATASTROPHE
             cities live in squalid slums   The concluding chapter   Niall Ferguson
             without basic sanitation   titled ‘Covid-19 in the   ALLEN LANE
             and their filth, dirt and   Rear-view Mirror’ of this   Rs.770   Pages 476
             disease is contaminating   book should be mandatory
             the groundwater reserves   reading for all so that the
             of the country. Ditto in   egregious errors and mis-
             rural India which ungra-  calculations of the current
             ciously hosts 67 percent of   pandemic are not repeated   Instead of shying away   By writing a
             the republic’s population   when the inevitable next   from framing natural and   combined history of
             where no safe drinking   pandemic is upon us.     man-made disasters as    natural and man-
             water and public health            DILIP THAKORE       separate entities, Ferguson   made disasters the
             infrastructure worth the                          focuses on the historical   author leaves less
             description has been built.                       tussle between scientific   space for robust
             Therefore, bearing in mind   Over-ambitious       progress and different   argument
             that cholera is a water-                          types of catastrophes
             borne disease, a new chol-  initiative            that rear their ugly heads
             era pandemic could break                          periodically. As much as   own words, “the history
             out anytime.                                      Ferguson attempts to cre-  of disasters is a history of
                Nor do any worthies of      IALL FERGUSON      ate a compelling account   a poorly managed zoo of
             the establishment whose        has a penchant for   of global catastrophes, an   gray rhinos, black swans
             salaries and perks swal- Nwriting sweeping        over-reliance on informa-  and dragon kings”.
             low almost 25 percent of   histories. Over the years,   tion, facts and figures   Through the book, he
             the annual Union budget,   he has managed to cast his   leaves less space for robust   obsesses over the micro
             seem at all concerned that   spell over a wide audience   argument.       details of each and every
             the rodent population of   through what can broadly   In the introduction,   event. Large sections read
             Mumbai for instance, is   be called ‘popular history’.   the author confesses his   like bloated biographi-
             two-three multiples of   From empires and money   own complicity by being   cal sketches of events,
             the human population (15   to global leadership,   a ‘superspreader’ in early   personalities and organ-
             million), raising the om-  Ferguson has enchanted   2020, when he was globe-  isations that appear to be
             nipresent danger of a new   his audiences by introduc-  trotting to deliver lectures,   at best a critical appraisal
             plague pandemic. And the   ing them to newer albeit   attending conferences and   of academic truisms like
             point stressed in this vol-  obscure topics. He might   corporate meetings. At the   “how we must study the
             ume backed by historical   find it difficult, however,   same time, he is quick to   social and political aspects
             research and scholarship is   to repeat the trick with   remind his readers about   instead of narrowly focus-
             that pandemics don’t break   his new book, Doom: The   the ‘Cassandra effect’,   ing on the pandemic” and
             out sequentially, they can   Politics of Catastrophe.   wherein he subtly posi-  the fallacies of “cyclical
             be simultaneous and often   While explaining the   tions himself among the   theories of histories”
             overlap each other.      reasons for writing a    select few who “think they   among others.
                After the Black Death   history of catastrophes,   know the future (in this   There is no gainsaying
             devastation of the 14th   Ferguson clarifies that   case, the ramifications of   that a focus on the inter-
             century and influenza pan-  this is not a history of the   the pandemic) but cannot   connections of society,
             demic of 1918-20, succes-  ongoing pandemic, but   convince people around   polity and the pandemic is
             sive governments of Eu-  rather “a general history   him”. With his trademark   crucial to understand the
             ropean countries applied   of catastrophe”. These   style of posing facts and   emergence and sustenance
             themselves and invested   include both natural    hypotheses at the same   of a catastrophe in myriad
             massively in public health,   and man-made disasters   time, Ferguson implores   ways. However, to use this
             education, sanitation and   which straddle diverse   us to think of catastrophes   statement as one of the
             affordable public housing.   categories like geological   as ‘gray rhinos’ (highly   principal arguments comes
             Unfortunately, these are   (earthquakes), geopolitical   probable events), ‘black   across more as a hack-
             bottom priorities, if at all,   (wars), biological (pan-  swans’ (surprising events)   neyed hypothesis, neither
             of the professedly socialist   demics) and technological   and ‘dragon kings’ (vast   a new nor an interesting
             governments and meekly   (nuclear accidents).     in magnitude). In his   ‘question’ to think about.

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