Page 80 - EW August 2021
P. 80


                If this is how Ferguson   reserves the maximum   This tendency to      given another ‘Cassandra
             struggles to bring any kind   blame for the ‘system’.   hypothesize about the   moment’ of a possible in-
             of novelty to his project,   Ferguson uses a con-  past with the benefit of   tensification of a Cold War
             his assessment of the func-  torted version of previous   hindsight continues when   brewing between the US
             tioning of political machin-  studies to deliberately   he attempts to question   and China. How this re-
             ery during a pandemic is   suit his hypothesis. For   the rationale of lockdowns   alpolitik is exactly related
             dubious, if not an exercise   instance, by briefly talk-  without offering any   to the original premise of
             in outright contrivance. As   ing about Amartya Sen’s   substantial analysis of his   writing a history of catas-
             far as the current pan-  argument of how account-  assertions. As much of the   trophes is anybody’s guess.
             demic is concerned, he lays   ability of government   data, models and theories   Like the unexplained
             the blame on bureaucratic   matters in a pandemic, he   are used to diagnose the   quotations at the begin-
             apathy in the ‘middle’ of   is evasive over Sen’s more   western world, most read-  ning of each chapter,
             the system. He labours   consistent stand, espe-  ers would be hard-pressed   Ferguson believes that
             more on scientific miscal-  cially in the recent past, of   to understand how they   an onslaught of informa-
             culations (thereby holding   holding rising authoritar-  work out in the global   tion is sufficient for an
             scientific advisors and   ian leaders responsible for   South where countries like   understanding of catas-
             experts accountable) than   contemporary disasters.   India and Brazil still con-  trophes. Bombarding
             on leadership decisive-  By arguing that we need   tinue to show enormous   readers with obscure facts
             ness. Even if he reluctantly   to move beyond “popu-  fluctuations in terms of   and terminology might be
             concurs with the growing   list nemesis reasoning”,   the severity of the pan-  entertaining, but it does
             realisation among the    Ferguson creates a false   demic. As Ferguson des-  precious little in expand-
             masses of Donald Trump   binary of the system on   perately tries to make his   ing the horizons of critical
             and Boris Johnson be-    the one hand and the     personal diary look more   thinking.
             ing manifestly idiotic in   individual at the helm of   like an erudite account of a   SURAJKUMAR THUBE
             their leadership roles, he   affairs at the other.  public intellectual, we are   (The Book Review)

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