Page 77 - EW August 2021
P. 77

Moreover, he stayed on too long in   a mixed economy and Rajaji and B.R.   go to school and don’t like women in
             office. After ten years as prime min-  Shenoy were visionaries who went   the workforce. So education or lack
             ister, he should have retired. That’s   against the grain.        of it, is as much a social problem as
             a question that will face Narendra                                a policy issue. For example, Hindus
             Modi in a few years’ time.       Parachuted into the leadership of the Con-  confronted untouchability because
                In sum, Nehru’s two great failures   gress party himself, Nehru repeated the   Gandhi told them it is immoral. He
             were the lack of emphasis on pri-  precedent by engineering the appointment   told the public that it has to condemn
             mary education, and his fantasy that   of his daughter Indira Gandhi as president   untouchability and allow Dalits into
             he was indispensable to the nation.   of the party in 1957. Thus he planted the   temples. Gandhi and Ambedkar
             But against these two failures are   seeds of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty which   didn’t say the government would
             some absolutely remarkable achieve-  persisted with neta-babu socialism that   fight for Dalits’ rights. We have to ac-
             ments. He was in many ways the   corrupted and destroyed the country’s   knowledge there’s something deeply
             person who united India after the   institutions of governance. What’s your   flawed in our society that we don’t
             wounds of partition and for that, we   comment?                   whole-heartedly support universal
             must be grateful                 This is totally false. True, Indira   primary education and social reform.
                                              Gandhi was appointed president of   I believe we are regressing as a soci-
             Immediately after independence, India’s   the Congress. But soon after, she   ety and we have ourselves to blame
             several brilliant businessmen includ-  retreated into private life and Nehru   as much or more than politicians.
             ing G.D. Birla, J.R.D. Tata, Walchand   had no desire or hope that she would
             Hirachand who had funded the freedom   ever become prime minister. In 1964,   What should be the Central government’s
             movement and established heavyweight   a few months before Nehru died,   Top 5 priorities to double the annual GDP
             conglomerates in the teeth of British   Indira Gandhi wanted to move to   growth rate and transform 21st century
             opposition, were poised to conquer Asian   London because both her children   India into a middle class country?
             and perhaps European markets. But they   were studying there. There’s a lot of   One is to totally abandon majoritari-
             were suppressed by Nehruvian licence-  fake news, misinformation about Ne-  anism. Second, give up the cult of
             permit-quota raj which favoured the pro-  hru and Patel and about Nehru and   personality built around Modi. Run-
             motion of huge public sector enterprises.   Indira. The story of Nehru is a rever-  ning a government requires collec-
             These perpetually loss-making PSEs   sal of the biblical injunction which   tive teamwork. Prime minister Modi
             siphoned away national savings. To what   says the sins of fathers are visited on   would do well to learn from Gandhi,
             extent, if any, do you agree?    their children. In Nehru’s case, the   how he built a great team — Azad,
             The Bombay Plan of 1946, presented   sins of seven successive generations   Patel, Kamaladevi, Nehru. Three,
             to the government by industry    of children have been retrospectively   respect federalism and refrain from
             leaders, clearly endorsed a mixed   visited on him.               always trying to destabilise state
             economy. The received economic     All the sins of Indira Gandhi, Ra-  governments ruled by opposition
             wisdom of the time, also accepted   jiv Gandhi and the incompetence of   parties. It’s not advisable to govern a
             in Japan and Germany, not just   Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi and   large and complex country with this
             the Soviet Union, was that infant   now Priyanka Gandhi, are happily   type of adversarial attitude towards
             industry needed state support. Later,   attributed to Nehru. Only when all   state governments ruled by other
             Taiwan and South Korea adopted   these Nehru-Gandhis retire that we   parties. The fourth priority is that the
             this model. In the 1940s, when the   will be able to objectively assess the   Central government should exhibit
             first Planning Commission was set   contributions Nehru made to India. I   greater understanding of neighbour-
             up, 24 top economists of the country   believe that Nehru would have been   ing countries, one of the greatest
             were consulted about Central plan-  appalled that Rahul and Sonia Gan-  failures of the Modi government.
             ning for the first five years. All of   dhi are running the Congress today.   We have antagonised Bangladesh,
             them except B.R. Shenoy approved.   He loved his daughter Indira but he   Nepal, we have even lost Bhutan, the
             By the late 1950s when Rajaji left the   was very clear he wanted Shastri to   countries that had close ties with us.
             Congress and founded the Swatantra   succeed him. Tragically, Shastri died   We have lost them to China because
             Party and coined the phrase licence-  18 months later. If he had lived a few   of our arrogant, overbearing attitude,
             permit-quota raj, we should have   more years, India would have been a   towards smaller neighbours.
             begun liberalising and deregulating   very different country. As in the case   I believe that socially, politically
             the economy.                     of Gandhi, I recognise Nehru’s colos-  and economically the BJP/NDA gov-
                But in the failure to do so, the   sal achievements, but his substantial   ernment has made a series of major
             greatest sinner was Indira Gan-  failures as well.                blunders they cannot walk back.
             dhi who went the other way and                                    Because of prime minister Modi’s ar-
             nationalised banks, coal and other   To what extent do you agree that quality   rogance and pride and refusal to ever
             industries in the early 1970s. At the   education for all is the magic bullet for the   admit his mistakes, I believe we are
             time, eminent economists including   country’s problems?          in for bad times.
             Jagdish Bhagawati and Padma Desai   Education cannot be the responsi-
             had argued for outward-looking   bility of the State alone. Society has   This is an abridged version of a 50-min-
             economic policies with industry and   to agree to encourage education for   ute interview with Dr. Guha. For full
             trade liberalisation and shedding   all. It shouldn’t tolerate citizens who   video interview visit
             export pessimism. In Nehru’s early   don’t want women or young girls to
             years, the consensus was in favour of                             view-with-dr-ramachandra-guha/

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