Page 76 - EW August 2021
P. 76


             “I believe Nehru’s greatest failure was to                        distorted. Let me explain why Nehru
                                                                               was chosen free India’s first prime
             ignore primary education...”                                      minister.
                                                                                 From the 1930s, Nehru was
                                                                               regarded as next to Gandhi in
                   minent historian and one of                                 popularity. When the 1937 elections
                   India’s most respected public                               were held under the Government of
             Eintellectuals, Dr. Ramach-                                       India Act, 1935 and when Congress
             andra Guha is the deeply knowl-                                   was swept to power in seven out of
             edgeable biographer of Mahatma                                    nine states, it was largely because of
             Gandhi on whom he has written two                                 Nehru’s campaigning. He was the
             heavily researched and eminently                                  Bradman of the Congress. Patel was
             readable biographies — Gandhi                                     a backroom, brilliant organiser and
             Before India (2013), and its sequel                               strategist but with no charisma or
             Gandhi: Years that Changed the                                    appeal. Moreover, Gandhi chose Ne-
             World 1914-48 (2018). Prior to that,                              hru as the successor because he was
             he wrote the most authoritative and                               the least parochial of the younger
             readable history of post-indepen-                                 generation of Congressmen. Patel
             dence India titled India after Gandhi                             was seen as a Gujarati Hindu. Raja-
             (2007). Excerpts from an interview                                gopalachari a Tamil Brahmin. Nehru
             with Dilip Thakore:                                               was trusted by Muslims, admired in
                                                                               south India and totally committed to
                                                                               gender equality, a north Indian who
             After independence, Mahatma Gandhi’s                              could reach people in the South. So
             teachings and vision of a free, indepen-                          Gandhi said he should be the leader
             dent India were quickly forgotten...                              of the first independent government
             First of all, I want to say that Gandhi                           of India.
             fascinates me as a historian and a   ment, elimination of poverty, dignity   In 1946, when the question of the
             biographer. I am not a Gandhian or   of labour in mind.           presidency came up, the CWC voted
             an unqualified admirer of Gandhi. I   These four ideals are still impor-  for Patel. If the votes of the AICC had
             believe Gandhi is significant for the   tant, and we must honour them. Of   been taken, of 1,200 people, at least
             movements he led, for the debates he   the four, I would say, the one that is   800 would have voted for Nehru.
             initiated and for his moral courage.   most under threat today is Hindu-  If the vote of the entire Congress
             But he was not always right. For   Muslim harmony. Majoritarianism   membership had been taken, Nehru
             example, on the question of caste,   has endangered Gandhi’s vision of   would have won 90 percent. The
             Ambedkar was more perceptive     India. But there are other challenges   CWC vote was not democratic at all.
             than him. On the question of gender   such as environmental degradation,   That was a vote of secretaries loyal to
             equality, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay   abusive language on social media   Patel. It is Patel’s greatness that he
             was arguably more forward than   that Gandhi would have deplored.   recognised this. Patel knew that Ne-
             him. On the question of nationalism                               hru was more popular, and he loyally
             and internationalism, Tagore had   You are also an admirer of Jawaharlal   served under him for 3.5 years.
             better insights than Gandhi.     Nehru, independent India’s first prime   Now coming to Nehru himself,
                As to your question — what of   minister. But in recent years there’s been   he had enormous achievements and
             Gandhi remains today, I would like   a reassessment of Nehru. In the critical   enormous failures. Contrary to those
             to invoke an image used by Gandhi   1946 AICC election for presidency of the   who think that the Soviet model of
             in 1922, around the time of the non-  Congress which would determine the   economics was his greatest failure,
             cooperation movement. He said,   first prime minister of independent India,   I believe his greatest failure — and
             when swaraj comes, it should be a   Nehru didn’t get a single vote which   this is relevant to your magazine —
             sturdy bed with four robust pillars —   went overwhelmingly in favour of Sardar   was to ignore primary education.
             non-violence, Hindu-Muslim harmo-  Patel. Yet Nehru persuaded Gandhiji to   He didn’t recognise that in a true
             ny, abolition of untouchability and   request Patel to withdraw his nomina-  democracy the first priority should
             the promotion of khadi. By these,   tion. Moreover, after independence Nehru   be to remove illiteracy.
             he meant that in free India, Indians   imposed the inorganic Soviet-inspired   Nehru’s second failure was that
             must settle their debates non-vio-  socialist economic development model on   as long as Patel was with him, he
             lently. Next, Hindu-Muslim harmony   the nation which has led India to socio-  was an excellent prime minister. But
             was crucial to Gandhi’s vision of   economic ruin. What’s your comment?   when Patel died in 1950, and C. Raja-
             India. The third pillar: abolition of   These are extreme statements. Both   gopalachari left the Union cabinet to
             untouchability including gender   of them. In fact, the first has no ba-  become the chief minister of Madras,
             discrimination because Gandhi was   sis. It was not an AICC meeting, but   Nehru didn’t have equals with him in
             also committed to emancipation of   a meeting of the Congress Working   government and he became some-
             women. And with the promotion of   Committee. This is a very important   what distant and arrogant and began
             khadi, he had generation of employ-  issue that Whatsapp University has   to see himself as indispensable.

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