Page 55 - EW August 2021
P. 55

from accessing education. All
             virtual learning programmes were   Ashok Pandey                   including parental choice and
             chosen carefully to ensure they   Director, Ahlcon Group of       safety measures put in place by
             worked on ordinary smartphones   Schools                          schools to prevent the spread of the
             with low-bandwidth. Moreover                                      Coronavirus. With most teachers
             to make certain that some stu-        r. Ashok Pandey is direc-   vaccinated and the threat of the
             dents don’t miss out on an entire     tor of the CBSE-affiliated   virus reduced, the odds are in
             day’s learning because of technol-  DAhlcon Public School (APS,   favour of reopening schools.
             ogy glitches, we offer a blend of   estb.1998) and Ahlcon International   The risk of massive learning loss
             synchronous and asynchronous     School (2001), Delhi, with an ag-  is overweighing children’s health
             learning. Although online classes   gregate enrolment of 5,700 students   risks. Our Ahlcon schools are ready
             are conducted, we also send every   and 310 teachers.             to reopen with all child safety
             student pre-recorded videos of the                                protocols in place, and there is
             day’s teaching. 20,000 such video   How satisfied with
             modules were prepared and sent to   APS’ transition to
             students in the past year.       online learning.
                It’s important to remember that   For a teacher, the
             while everyone has suffered during   greatest gift is
             the past 16 months, the quietest   the company of
             voices have been of children. Our   students. However,
             CAGS Care team is doing a great   the pandemic
             job of providing mental health   has taken away
             support to children and parents to   this gift. In the
             overcome pandemic anxiety and    circumstances, I
             stress.                          am amazed by the
                                              resilience of our
             Several state governments have   teachers — and
             passed fee reduction orders in the   students — their
             pandemic year. How have you coped   creativity and
             with this financial exigency?     ability to initiate
             CAGS takes pride in being an em-  and adjust to change.           discernable urgency among parents
             pathetic institution. We unilater-  The second pandemic wave was   to send children back to school.
             ally revoked the mutually agreed   more challenging as many families
             fees increase of the academic year   struggled with illness and death.   Estimation of learning loss and
             2020-21 in April 2020, much be-  This affected children’s learning   remedial education. Learning loss
             fore any government order was is-  adversely, but our teachers stepped   is in direct proportion to the
             sued. Moreover in another gesture   up to provide socio-emotional   degree of digital access students
             of goodwill towards parents, we re-  support. On our part we ensured   have had over the past year. But
             duced our annual fees by Rs.3,000.   teachers’ preparedness, students’   overall, pre-existing learning gaps
             Despite this, through tight institu-  access to the Internet and digital   have widened. We are ready with
             tional management we continue to   devices, and online engagement.   a contingency plan to respond to
             pay full salaries to all teachers and   During the pandemic, we witnessed   this situation. We have identified
             staff. While doing this balancing   teacher leaders emerge to make   learning gaps from past results,
             act hasn’t been easy, we believe it   the transition to the online mode   current assessments and diagnostic
             is necessary in this unprecedented   seamless.                    tests. Timely remedial and
             pandemic crisis.                                                  bridge courses will be organised
                                              Major factors that enabled a smooth   accordingly.
             What are your plans to deal with future   adaptation to online teaching-learning.
             pandemic disruptions?            The survival instinct of early 2020   Advice to government to recover lost
             After a successful year of online   morphed into reconstruction and   learning. Efforts made by govern-
             teaching-learning, we are begin-  new learning. The management’s   ment to reach under-served chil-
             ning to notice signs of fatigue   swift adoption of remote teaching   dren are well-meaning. However,
             in students. Therefore, in our   and new tech tools, and sharing   public school children are being
             e-learning programme we will be   and collaboration among teachers   taught through one-way media
             placing greater emphasis on physi-  helped us make the switch     such as television and radio. Gov-
             cal and mental well-being of our   seamless. Parents, friends and   ernment needs to provide vulner-
             children. However, we are hopeful   families chipped in with socio-  able children access to interac-
             that schools will reopen soon for   emotional support and helped to fill   tive online learning. The right to
             which eventuality, our schools are   gaps created by social isolation and   Internet connectivity is the new
             fully prepared and compliant with   distancing.                   right to education in the pandemic
             government mandated Covid-19                                      era. Every effort to deliver learning
             safety protocols. We are ready to   Whether reopening schools is overdue.   material to students’ homes should
             welcome our students back and get   This depends on several factors   also be made.
             our campuses humming again.

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