Page 54 - EW August 2021
P. 54

Cover Story

             Dr. Shayama Chona                                                 The decision to re-open our centres
                                                                               will depend on government. Student
             President, Tamana Autism Centre                                   safety is of course our top priority.
             — School of Hope, Delhi                                           We are routinely sensitising our par-
                                                                               ents and children about the benefits
                   r. Shayama Chona is the cele-                               of early vaccination and Covid safety
                   brated former principal of DPS,                             protocols.
             DR.K. Puram, Delhi, where she                                     Once on-campus classes begin, what are
             served for 35 years (1978-2009) and                               your remedial education plans?
             founder-chairperson of the Tamana                                 In Tamana schools, there’s an Indi-
             Foundation (estb.1992) which manag-                               vidualised Education Plan for every
             es three Tamana special needs schools                             child supplemented with periodic
             in Delhi with an enrolment of 500 stu-                            progress reports. Remedial educa-
             dents mentored by 43 teachers.                                    tion in groups or one-to-one will also
             The past 15 months schools have been                              be individualised based on children’s
             shuttered to check the spread of the                              needs once on-campus classes begin.
             pandemic. How successful has been the                             What is your advice to government to
             Tamana Schools’ adaptability to online                            make up for the education loss suffered
             learning?                                                         by special needs children?
             It has been a very challenging period.   depression. Special needs children   Tamana teachers have successfully
             In March 2020, we had a student   particularly need social interaction,   streamlined and adapted education
             strength of 500-plus. Since April   collaborative learning and play to   and rehabilitation programmes for
             2020, when our special education   remain motivated.              special needs children to the online
             and rehabilitation programmes    Should schools be reopened now? Are   mode. Our model can be scaled up
             moved online, only 211 children   your schools ready for physical classes?    and implemented countrywide.
             could access them. Poor Internet
             connectivity and lack of access to
             digital devices apart, it is difficult
             for special needs students to adapt
             to online learning as they don’t have   Rohan Bhat                al counselling to our students.
             long attention spans. They become   Chairman, Children’s Academy,   Moreover, we have a success-
             restless and the majority need special                            ful programme of home delivering
             support from caregivers to partici-  Mumbai                       printed notes, worksheets and sci-
             pate in online learning.                                          ence kits to all our 8,000 students to
                Moreover, because most Tamana      ohan Bhat is chairman of the   ensure there is some offline learning.
             children are from economically        Children’s  Academy  Group   Our internal surveys show high level
             weaker sections of society, we are  Rof Schools (CAGS) with three   of satisfaction with our online-offline
             heavily reliant on fundraising events   branches in Mumbai and an aggregate   initiatives.
             and donors to sustain our schools.   enrolment  of  over  8,000  students.
             The pandemic posed these additional   Children’s Academy, Malad and Kan-  What are the major factors behind the
             challenges.                      divali  are  ranked  among  Mumbai’s   smooth adaptation to online learning of
                                                                               all four Children’s Academy Schools in
             So how did you manage with the chal-  Top 10 co-ed day schools in the EW   Mumbai?
             lenges of online learning?       India School Rankings 2020-21.   From the outset, we took care to
             Since April 2020, our special educa-  How satisfied are you with Children’s   ensure that lack of personal digital
             tors and therapists have been teach-  Academy Schools’ switch to virtual   devices didn’t hinder our students
             ing online daily with teacher-student   learning over the past
             ratios of 1:3 and 1:1 respectively.   year?
             Evening and remedial classes were   We are fortunate
             also introduced. On the recommen-  to have incremen-
             dation of researchers and psycholo-  tally introduced
             gists, we have integrated story-telling   IT-enabled learn-
             and audio visual aids into our online   ing around five
             classes to sustain students’ interest.   years ago. Today,
             In addition our therapists provide   15 months into the
             children regular emotional support   pandemic we have
             and counseling.                  a comprehensive
             Nevertheless online classes can never   online programme
             replace in-person campus education…  which also pro-
             Visiting our centres daily was an   vides co-curricular,
             important part of students’ lives   sports education
             without which they become prone to   and socio-emotion-

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