Page 51 - EW August 2021
P. 51

Jagpreet Singh

                                                         Headmaster,  e  Doon School, Dehradun
                                                              ormer principal of The Punjab Public School, Nabha, Dr.
                                                              Jagpreet Singh is the recently (April 2020) appointed
                                                         Fheadmaster of the top-ranked all-boys boarding The
                                                         Doon School, Dehradun (TDS, estb.1935).
                                                         Degree of satisfaction with TDS’ switch
                                                         to the online mode of learning. The
                                                         Covid-19 pandemic has posed
                                                         many challenges and adversities,
                                                         but also provided opportunities to
                                                         realise hidden potential. We are
                                                         very satisfied with our e-learning
                                                         programme as it has opened doors
             we raised Rs.20 crore from corporates, trusts and   to new technologies-enabled peda-
             philanthropists.                            gogies. TDShas successfully aligned
             What’s your advice to under-funded schools and NGOs to   its academic programme to new
             maintain learning continuity during the pandemic?  digital technologies and we have curated a comprehensive re-
             Pull out all stops to introduce digitally-enabled   vised academic programme delivered through online platforms.
             blended learning in your classrooms and knowl-  It has proved to be time and cost-effective and has helped to
             edge transmission workshops. Digital learning   connect students and teachers during the lockdown.
             enables you to scale and reach larger numbers of   Major factors behind TDS’ relatively smooth shift to online learning.
             learners, access wide-ranging content, enables   Over the years, TDS built a strong IT infrastructure because
             independent self-learning, development of critical   the board and management always believed IT would play an
             thinking skills, and teacher upgradation.   enabling role in education. Therefore when the pandemic hit
             Should schools reopen now? How ready is the Vidya   us, it wasn’t a shock as we were technologically equipped for
             School, Gurugram and other Vidya institutions to conduct   the transition. Latest digital software was dovetailed into our
             in-person classes?                          teaching-learning practices.
             Yes. It’s high time schools re-opened after the   Downsides of online education. Quantum of learning loss. It’s dif-
             world’s longest lockdown. Vidya School, Gurugram   ficult to estimate learning loss at this stage. However, while the
             has already started in-person education for class   transition to online learning has been smooth for TDS, being a
             VI-XII children with strict Covid protocols because   wholly residential school there’s loss of peer and collaborative
             children learn best from teachers and peers. In   learning. Living, learning and playing every moment together is
             our women’s education centres too, we have begun   the heart and soul of boarding school education.
             twice-a-week in-person instruction.
                                                         Whether schools should reopen immediately. TDS’ safety precautions.
             Future plans to deal with pandemic disruptions...  While we are ready in terms of preparedness, our students’
             To prepare for future pandemic disruptions, we   health and safety is of paramount importance for us. We under-
             intend to equip all our beneficiaries with digital   stand that students are missing their peers and would like to
             connectivity to ensure continuity of learning.   be back on campus, but we place their safety first. Until then,
             Simultaneously, we are intensively training and   we will continue to provide total online support to our students
             upskilling our teachers. Moreover in the broader   and look after their mental well-being through online guidance.
             community, we will continue with our vaccination
             drives, mental health and counseling programmes,   Advice to digitally under-served education institutions. In TDS, we
             and distribution of Covid care and ration kits to the   believe in supporting and embracing schools that need help
             poor.                                       in coping with academic and technology challenges. Through
                                                         our community service programmes we support and enable
             What’s your advice to government to manage the current   government schools in our neighbourhood and will continue to
             and future pandemic disruptions?            provide instructional scaffolding to them through our service
             Government must find the resources to digitise all   projects. We also encourage all other technologically savvy
             public schools as soon as possible and switch them   schools to undertake such initiatives.
             to digitally-enabled blended learning while under-
             taking a nationwide teacher training drive.  Advice to government to make up for academically lost ground in
                NEP 2020 has strongly recommended liberal,   the pandemic era. The pandemic has been an eye opener in the
             holistic education with equal emphasis on devel-  truest sense. It has reflected the optimism and strength of our
             oping life skills, co-curricular and sports educa-  citizens to overcome unprecedented challenges. But it has also
             tion. The Covid crisis has taught us that teachers,   highlighted deep infirmities of our education system. This is a
             parents, students can rise to meet all challenges.   good time for government to become more proactive in provid-
             Government has the option of converting the Covid   ing high quality skills education and vocational training which
             crisis into an opportunity to contemporise and   will enable our youth to improve their employability.
             revitalise Indian education.

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