Page 24 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
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Education Briefs
CyberPeace Foundation while also empowering educators and Instrucko students between ages 13-
initiative content partners to reach millions 18 will be given access to EtonX’s
of students. Our focus is on content
Live Tutor Group and self-study pro-
New delhi, jaNuary 12. CyberPeace quality, deep learning analytics and grammes to develop their communi-
Foundation, a think tank and NGO student experience. This launch will cation, critical thinking and creative
promoted by cyber security and pol- help engineering aspirants prepare problem-solving skills.
icy experts, launched a cyber security better and achieve the winning edge “Our partnership will enable us
training programme in collaboration in IIT-JEE,” said Amol Gurwara, to provide high quality learning pro-
with the Union ministry of education director (education) of Amazon India. grammes in English language commu-
and All India Council for Technical nication, critical thinking and creative
Education (AICTE) for the benefit of IPV backs Mindler problem solving taught by teachers
industry, academia, government and from Eton College,” said Devvaki
civil society. The objective of the pro- New delhi, jaNuary 18. Mindler Educa- Aggarwal, CEO of Instrucko. In-
gramme is to address problems such tion Pvt. Ltd, the well-reputed Delhi- strucko-EtonX learning programmes
as cybercrimes, harassment, abuse based comprehensive career guidance (7-10 weeks) are priced at $50-300
and radicalisation and to build secure platform for educators and students, (Rs.3,650-21,889).
ecosystems of cybersecurity commu- announced $1 million (Rs.7.2 crore)
nities. pre-series-A round funding from a Godrej Interio webinar
“Cybercrimes have increased in consortium led by Gurugram-based
India and globally during the pan- Inflection Point Ventures, an angel beNgaluru, february 5. Godrej Inte-
demic. On National Youth Day, we are investors network. The newly raised rio and EducationWorld presented
delighted to partner with the minis- funds will be utilised for expanding a path-breaking webinar titled ‘Two
try of education and AICTE to upskill Mindler’s base of institutional part- Sides of Online Teaching’ in which a
half a million youth across India in nerships and alliances. panel of highly respected educators
critical cybersecurity skills. With ris- “We are very excited to get the discussed the impact on the teachers’
ing digital adoption, these skills will support of IP Ventures and its net- community of transition from black-
form the bedrock to create more cy- work of C-Suite leaders from around boards to online classes.
ber-aware individuals, a pool of cyber the world. Apart from IP Ventures, The panelists included Dr. Van-
security experts and a secure and re- we are also in the final stage of talks dana Lulla, director, Podar Group
silient society,” said Vineet Kumar, with a few high net worth individuals of International Schools, Mumbai;
founder-president of the CyberPeace for this round of funding. Despite all Sarojini Rao, principal, Indus Inter-
Foundation (estb.2013), addressing its challenges, 2020 has been a good national School, Bengaluru; Sameer
the media. year for us,” said Prateek Bhargava, Joshi, assistant vice president (mar-
founder-director of Mindler Educa- keting), Godrej Interio; Dr. Amrita
Amazon Academy debut tion, speaking on the occasion. Vohra, director, GEMS Education
Added Mitesh Shah, co-founder
India and Bharat Malik, chair-
delhi, jaNuary 13. Amazon India an- of IPV: “IPV will help Mindler access a man, Arya Gurukul Group of Schools,
nounced the launch of the Amazon large unexplored market base and ex- Mumbai. The webinar was moderated
Academy to help students prepar- pand its network exponentially while by Summiya Yasmeen, managing
ing for the IIT-JEE (Joint Entrance enhancing its tech capabilities.” editor, EducationWorld.
Examination) for admission into the Drawing upon a survey conducted
country’s 23 IITs and other engi- Instrucko-EtonX concordat by Godrej Interio, one of the country’s
neering colleges. The academy will most respected furniture brands, that
equip students with in-depth knowl- MuMbai/delhi, jaNuary 20. Instrucko interviewed 300 teachers, the panel-
edge and practice routines required Ltd — a UK-based edtech company ists discussed the up and downsides
for writing IIT-JEE through curated (estb.2020) which has innovated of the new blended (conventional and
learning material, live lectures and a one-to-one languages (English, digital) teaching-learning model that
comprehensive assessments in math, French, Spanish and Hindi) learning is here to stay.
physics and chemistry. platform using storytelling pedagogy “The webinar was stimulating and
“Amazon Academy intends to bring — has signed a partnership agreement discussed the pros and cons of online
high quality, affordable education for with EtonX, an online subsidiary of teaching with all panelists agreeing
all, starting with students preparing Eton College, UK (estb.1440), globally that ensuring teachers’ well-being —
for engineering entrance examina- reputed as Britain’s best public (i.e, in- physical and mental — is critical to the
tions. Our mission is to enable stu- dependent) primary-secondary school. success of the online/hybrid teaching
dents to achieve their aspirations Under the partnership agreement, model,” says Joshi.