Page 20 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
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Education News
the association has proposed a further syllabus cut in THEY SAID IT IN JANUARY
line with the 50 percent syllabus reduction for class IX
children. “The turning point in my life and Reliance’s life
However, not a few academics warn that while syl- was when India embraced economic reforms.
labus reduction will benefit school-leaving students in Liberalisation freed the suppressed entrepre-
the near future, it could damage their higher education neurial energies in our country and gave us
prospects when they the hum kissi se kam nahin spirit.”
write national public
exams such as National- Mukesh Ambani, chairman, Reliance Industries (India
Today, January 4)
Test (NEET) for entry
into medical colleges, “From 2021, let us recommit ourselves to
and Joint Entrance improving Indian education. Not with the
Examination (JEE) of narrow goals of literacy, numeracy, subject
the country’s 23 IITs knowledge, or employability — all of which are
(Indian Institutes of necessary. But as a mechanism for guarding
Technology). and nurturing democracy by enhancing our
“If the classes IX-XII epistemic capacity as a people.”
syllabus is reduced Anurag Behar, CEO of Azim Premji Foundation (Mint,
by 40-50 percent for ATB Bose January 14)
students in Tamil Nadu,
they will find it difficult to write competitive exams for “This is democracy’s day. A day of history and
entry into the country’s top medical colleges, IITs and
liberal arts universities. Recently, the government- hope of renewal and resolve through a cru-
owned Neyveli Lignite Corporation conducted an cible for the ages. America has been tested
entrance examination to recruit trainees. Of the 1,558 anew and America has risen to the challenge.
students from the state who wrote the exam, a mere Today, we celebrate the triumph not of a
eight passed. Elimination of portions of the syllabus to candidate, but of a cause, the cause of democ-
this extent won’t do any good to children especially in racy. The people, the will of the people, has
subjects like mathematics,” warns ATB Bose, general been heard and the will of the people has been
secretary of Association of Managements of Private heeded.”
Schools of Tamil Nadu. President Joe Biden in his inaugural address after being
Clearly simple solutions are not always the best solu- sworn in as the 46th president of USA (January 20)
Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)
“The Prime Minister must desist from making
WEST BENGAL the repeal of his farm laws a prestige issue
because since last week there are signs
Battle royale that the problem India faces is much bigger
and infinitely more dangerous than angry
ith the countdown for the west bengal legis- farmers.”
lative assembly polls scheduled in April/May Tavleen Singh, columnist, on the ongoing farmers
Whaving begun in right earnest, the prime con- agitation in Delhi NCR (Indian Express, January 31)
tenders — the Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress
(TMC) and Amit Shah-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) “…Such low death rates would be seen as a
— are loudly promoting their distinctive election agendas. victory of the government, citizens and sci-
Chief minister Mamata Banerjee, who famously ence over the dreaded coronavirus. However,
ended 34 years of uninterrupted and ruinous CPM (Com- because we are India, we don’t get as much
munist Party of India-Marxist) rule over West Bengal
(pop.91 million) nine years ago, and is seeking a third credit. We are considered poor, third-world
consecutive term, has announced an array of schemes and and untrustworthy, incapable of achieving
recruitment drives, particularly in the health and educa- something like this on our own.”
tion sectors. Chetan Bhagat, novelist, on why India has tackled
Among them: transfer of Rs.10,000 into bank accounts Covid better than most advanced nations (Times of
of 950,000 class XII students enrolled in 14,000 govern- India, January 31)