Page 57 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 57

Child malnutrition: Covid impact

                                                                                    THE 10 WORST-HIT STATES
                                                                                   Underweight (low weight to age)
                                                                                  Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
                                                                                Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan,
                                                                                    Assam, West Bengal & Gujarat

                                                                                   Wasted (low weight to height)
                                                                                 Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
                                                                               Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan,
                                                                                   Assam, West Bengal & Gujarat
             Singh: emotional support importance

                                                                       15 million additional
                                                                                             90% of the additional
             reconnect with teachers and learning.   77 million children are   children can be pushed into   malnourished children would
                                                already malnourished in
             It will take decades to make up for the   India. This is equivalent to   malnutrition if children in the   be in the 10 worst-hit states.
             learning loss of the pandemic era,”   the combined population of   poorest 20 percent population   Bihar to experience maximum
             says Dr. Arunabh Singh, director   Jharkhand, Telangana and   lose 5 percent of their body   increase
             of the CBSE-affiliated Nehru World       Kerala
             School, Ghaziabad.                Source: Journal of Global Health Science
                Moreover it is — or should be —
             a sobering consideration that the   sive in pre-pandemic India. According   children can have major implications,”
             learning loss of youngest children at   to Child Rights & You (CRY) — the   says the report. (see graphic above)
             the start of the education continuum   well-reputed Delhi-based voluntary   Despite these warnings, the Central
             is likely to be worse (see cover story   organisation — contemporary India   and state governments have failed to
             p.36).                           hosts the largest number of malnour-  devise effective take-home dry ra-
                                              ished children of any country world-  tions and mid-day meal delivery pro-
             Health & nutrition               wide — 97 million with 38.7 percent   grammes to ensure continuation of
                ndia runs the world’s largest free   of children under five years of age   nutrition services to underprivileged
                mid-day meals programme for 120   stunted, 19.8 percent wasted (under-  children during the pandemic.
             Imillion children enrolled in 1.2   weight and short) and 42.4 percent   Moreover, they are dilly-dallying
             million government schools. In addi-  underweight.                on the issue of reopening of AWCs,
             tion under the Central government’s   The pandemic lockdown and clo-  private pre-primaries and primary
             Integrated Child Development Ser-  sure of schools is expected to worsen   schools. The auguries are that the
             vices (ICDS) programme, 80 million   child malnutrition countrywide.  A   impact of large-scale malnutrition on
             children from low-income households   recent research paper Living on the   children’s mental well-being, cognitive
             enrolled in the country’s 1.37 million   Edge? Sensitivity of Child Under-  development and future earnings will
             anganwadi centres (AWCs) are pro-  nutrition Prevalence to Bodyweight   be very heavy for the Indian economy.
             vided free-of-charge cooked mid-day   Shocks in the Context of the 2020
             meals daily. With these mid-day meal   National Lockdown Strategy in In-  Economic loss
             programmes suspended for more    dia, published by Journal of Global   he World Bank estimates
             than ten months during the pandem-  Health Science (July 2020), predicts   that  the  prolonged closure  of
             ic, child malnutrition has scaled new   that in a scenario of 5 percent weight  Tschools due to the Covid-19
             heights. The India Child Well-being   loss, India will experience an alarming   pandemic in India may cause a loss of
             Report 2020, published on November   addition of 4.4 million underweight   over $400 billion (Rs.29 lakh crore)
             24 by World Vision India, a Chennai-  and 3.2 million severely underweight   to the economy by way of future earn-
             based NGO, says the pandemic has   children (a “conservative estimate”).   ings. Even as the pandemic is expected
             put 115 million children at risk of se-  “A high concentration of children in   to substantially reduce the future in-
             vere malnutrition.               the country is already around the un-  comes of an entire generation of stu-
                This report is alarming because   der-nutrition threshold, and any mi-  dents, its impact on the finances of the
             child malnutrition was already perva-  nor shock to nutritional health of the   country’s 450,000 private schools is

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