Page 10 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 10


             AGRICULTURE BILLS NEED CAREFUL SCRUTINY                           food processing businesses. The result
                                                                               is that only 10 percent of the agricul-
                                                                               ture produce of rural India is processed
                  he disruptive ruckus in the rajya   licence-permit-quota raj in industry,   cf. 65 percent in the US and 70 percent
                  Sabha on September 20 over the   completely bypassed the country’s   in Brazil.
             Tpassage of three Bills whose ob-  massive farm sector. Consequently, to   According to the well-respected
             jective is to liberalise, deregulate and   this day farmers aren’t free to sell their   economist Shankar Aiyar, agriculture
             revitalise India’s moribund agriculture   produce — especially horticulture pro-  produce valued at Rs.92,000 crore
             sector, was unwarranted and irrespon-  duce — to purchasers of their choice.   “perishes between farm gate and
             sible. It’s incontrovertible that the farm   With agriculture a state subject under   market gate” (New  Indian  Express,
             sector in which 60 percent of India’s   the Constitution, most state govern-  September 20). The outcome is huge
             1.35 billion citizens are employed, but   ments dominated by rural gentry, have   differentials between farm gate and re-
             which contributes only 16 percent of   enacted legislation preventing farmers   tail prices paid by the consumer, with
             annual GDP, needs urgent reform.   from selling or mortgaging their land   middlemen and intermediaries the ma-
             India’s rural citizens reap a per capita   except to bona fide farmers, thus de-  jor beneficiaries of 21st century India’s
             income of a mere Rs.40,925 per year,   pressing its price and enabling large   primitive agriculture sector.
             against the national average of Rs.1.35   farmers to consolidate their landhold-  Therefore, these Bills which envi-
             lakh.  The  objectives of  the Farmers’   ings.                   sion a free market for farm produce,
             Produce Trade and Commerce (Pro-    Moreover, contract farming is   and contract farming that will infuse
             motion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020,   prohibited and horticulture produce   new technologies into the rural sector,
             the Farmers (Empowerment and Pro-  (fruit and vegetables) has to be sold   will ensure better farm gate prices. Yet
             tection) Agreement on Price Assurance   in daily auctions supervised by 2,477   it’s pertinent to note that the demand
             and Farm Services Bill, 2020 and Es-  Agriculture Price Marketing Commit-  of the opposition parties is for refer-
             sential Commodities (Amendment) Bill   tees which are packed with kith and   ring the Bills to all-party standing com-
             passed by the Lok Sabha on September   kin of rural politicians formed into   mittees of Parliament for examination
             17 and by the Rajya Sabha three days   self-serving cartels. Simultaneously to   and ironing out their wrinkles. Perhaps
             later, are to undo this historical wrong.   perpetuate distress sale of farm pro-  not an unreasonable request for such
                The plain truth is that the belated   duce,  state  governments  discourage   a major reform, which the BJP/NDA
             liberalisation and deregulation initia-  establishment of private warehousing,   government should accept subject to
             tive of 1991 which substantially ended   cold chains and growth of downstream   time-bound deadlines.

             CRIMINAL NEGLECT OF CHILD NURTURANCE                              four in India can expect to complete
                                                                                 A child who starts school at age
                                                                               11.1 years of school by her 18th birth-
                  he  65-page  national  education   by the academy and intelligentsia, has   day. But her ‘learning-adjusted years
                  Policy (NEP) 2020, proclaimed   been very heavy. Just how damaging   of  school’ which  factors  in  actual
             Ton July 29, has set ambitious   is indicated by the Human Capital In-  learning outcomes, is only 7.1 years —
             goals. Yet with each passing day,   dex (HCI) 2020 of the World Bank re-  cf. 11.5 in the UK, 10.6 in the US and
             there’s additional apprehension about   leased on September 16. A human de-  9.3 in China. Moreover, on the param-
             policy implementation capabilities   velopment measurement innovation   eter of harmonised test scores with
             of the bureaucracy and red-tape en-  introduced in 2018 by the bank, HCI   625 representing most advanced at-
             snarled government machinery, to   measures the quantum of productivity   tainment and 300 the minimum, HCI
             deliver its exciting promises.   (on a scale of 1-100) a child born today   2020 awards India a modest 399. And
                In particular, there’s rising concern   in 174 countries can expect to attain   perhaps the worst news is that 35 per-
             about the capability of the Central and   by age 18. Unsurprisingly, against the   cent of children born in India today
             state governments hamstrung by se-  global average of 56, because of sub-  will be stunted — because of child and
             vere loss of tax revenue in the econ-  optimal education and healthcare, a   maternal malnutrition and lack of ac-
             omy which is forecast to contract by   child born in India will attain only 49   cess to healthcare facilities — and “at
             5-14 percent in fiscal 2020-21, to dou-  percent of her potential productivity   risk of cognitive and physical limita-
             ble their combined budgetary alloca-  when she attains the age of 18. Against   tions that can last a lifetime”.
             tion for public education from the cur-  this, the productivity potential of an   Even as academia and intelligentsia
             rent 3.1 percent of GDP to 6 percent as   Australian child is 77, China 65, Brazil   maintain the silence of lambs, NEP
             promised by NEP 2020. Please note   55, UK 78 and US 70.          2020 forecasts the transformation
             this promise has been made repeat-  HCI 2020 provides several other   of 21st century India into a “global
             edly ever since the Kothari Commis-  data points which measure the prog-  knowledge superpower” and believes
             sion first made this recommendation   ress of nation states in nurturing their   the new policy which multiplies gov-
             in 1967. But it has never been fulfilled   human capital. Predictably, contem-  ernment control-and-command over
             by any government at the Centre or in   porary India whose leaders and com-  education, will “instill among the (sic)
             the states.                      pliant television anchors are given to     learners a deep-rooted pride in being
                The price of this brazen and con-  boastful rhetoric relating to the coun-  Indian”. Lofty rhetoric is not suffi-
             tinuous neglect of public education by   try’s huge achievements, fares miser-  cient; it needs to be supplemented
             government, and mute acquiescence   ably under all parameters.    with purposive action.

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