Page 12 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 12


                                              finding that 70 percent of private   the go-ahead for pursuing teacher
                                              schools in India charge less than   qualifications.
                                              Rs.1,000 per month dispels many    A major challenge confronting
                                              deeply rooted myths about private   principals and school leaders is of
                                              schools, particularly that they are   assessing would-be teachers for
                                              exclusive elitist institutions that levy   temperament and personality, love
                                              exorbitant fees.                 for children and the profession.
                                                Unfortunately the National Edu-  Written exams followed by inter-
                                              cation Policy 2020 endorses many   views are hardly indicative of good
                                              biases against private schools. In fact   teaching and communication skills
                                              as you rightly say, its ‘anti-privatisa-  that enable meaningful teacher-pupil
                                              tion’ stance will discourage private   interaction.
                                              investment and healthy competition   Moreover, with 70 percent of
                                              — widely acknowledged as the recipe   the population living in rural India,
                                              for excellence — in Indian education.  it’s important for urban students
                                                Moreover, the deliberate exclu-  to be sensitised about life of their
                     SEPTEMBER 2020           sion of inputs of private education   rural counterparts. My suggestion is
                                              leaders in the NEP drafting process   that private and government school
                                              is alarming when close to 50 percent   managements arrange compulsory
                                              of India’s school-going children   tours to village India to provide stu-
             Implementing NEP 2020            are enrolled in privately promoted   dents ‘beyond the school’ immersive
             YOUR SPECIAL report ‘Implement-  schools. Despite its seemingly fu-  experiences.
             ing NEP 2020 — Expert advice for   turistic vision, the devil lurks in the     Dr. Shayama Chona
             Central government’ (EW Septem-  details of NEP 2020!               President, Tamana Autism Centre
             ber) is well-timed as the public                      Devi Batra                           DELHI
             debate has now moved to translating                  BANGALORE
             this lofty document into reality.
                Even as the newly renamed Union                                Huge edtech potential
             education ministry has rather belat-  Teacher training priority   I AM A regular reader of Education-
             edly invited suggestions from school   THANK YOU for the excellent cover   World magazine and enjoy reading
             teachers and principals for ways and   story on the National Education   the excellent essays written by your
             means to implement NEP 2020,     Policy 2020 (EW August). I welcome   columnists. I fully agree with the
             the ministry will do well to heed the   the renewed emphasis on teacher   views expressed by international
             recommendations of your carefully   training and professional standards   edtech consultant Roshan Gandhi
             selected panel of education experts.   in NEP 2020, with the hope that this   in Expert Comment (EW August)
             They have done an excellent job of   too-good-to-be-true policy document   that education technology has huge
             recommending ways to execute NEP   is implemented in letter and spirit!   potential to assist in solving some of
             2020.                              Drawing from my varied experi-  India’s biggest education problems,
                I believe the key to successful   ence of several decades as an educa-  and enabling implementation of the
             implementation of NEP 2020 is dou-  tor, I am of the opinion that more   progressive recommendations of
             bling spending on public education   than anything, India needs high   NEP 2020.
             to 6 percent of GDP. Without money,   quality teachers passionate about the   This is a wake-up call for the
             none of these grandiose plans to   profession. But this profession can   edtech sector. Over the past few
             transform India into an education   only become effective when teachers   months it has experienced mas-
             superpower will materialise.     are paid respectable salaries on a par   sive demand for online education
                               Mallika Bothra  with corporate professionals.   services. Edtech offers a short-cut
                                   GURGAON      I am in sync with NEP policymak-  to develop a high-quality education
                                              ers that teacher education — the   system without waiting for NEP to
                                              Achilles heel of Indian education —   catch up!
             Dispelled myths                  needs urgent overhaul. It’s notewor-             Brijesh Agarwal

             YOUR COVER story ‘Private Schools   thy that in most foreign countries,                    PUNE
             in India Report 2020: Brilliant case   youth aspiring to qualify as teachers
             for the defence’ (EW September)   first work part-time in a school and   Letters are welcome. Please email
             makes a compelling case for support-  based on feedback from the head   to:
             ing private education. The report’s   of school, students and parents get

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