Page 17 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 17

community’s demand.                                               private schools in Karnataka have
                With reserved quota students set                               paid contracted fees during the past
             lower marks thresholds in entrance                                quarter (April-June).
             exams of public universities, even if                               With the government dithering
             the cause of social justice is served,                            on the issue of reopening the state’s
             academic standards take a beating.                                primary-secondary schools, parents
             Therefore, it’s hardly a wonder that                              have also become nervous. “While
             none of India’s 1,000 universities —                              I would like schools to reopen with
             some of them of 150 years vintage — is                            safety precautions, realistically
             ranked among the Top 200 in highly                                speaking it’s not practical. Maintain-
             respected World University Rankings                               ing physical distancing, wearing
             of the London-based agencies QS and                               masks and maintaining discipline at
             Times Higher Education. Against this,                             all times is very difficult. Therefore,
             six Chinese universities in which ad-                             I prefer online classes this aca-
             missions are entirely merit based, are                            demic year for my son,” says Divya
             ranked among the QS Top 200.                                      Sreedharan whose son is a class VI
                            Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)                               student of the Auro Mirra Interna-
                                              Suresh Kumar: indecision & confusion  tional School, Bangalore.
               KARNATAKA                                                            hile most upscale private
             Heavy dithering price            cision regarding reopening of schools  Wschools have smoothly
                                                                               switched to online classes, the great
                                              in the state yet. The government does
                                              not have any such plans to reopen   majority of government and low-
                   he vacillation of the bjp   schools at present. We are taking   priced budget private schools (BPS)
                   government of Karnataka on   the opinions of legislators, MPs, and   don’t have the infrastructure to
             Tthe issue of reopening K-12     concerned people. We will also have   provide online learning. Neither do
             schools in the state is causing great   a discussion with education experts   students of low-priced affordable
             confusion within school manage-  and institutions.”               private and government schools
             ments, parents’ communities and    The indecision and resultant con-  have digital devices (laptop, PCs
             among students. According to the   fusion is costing private schools and   and smartphones) to learn online.
             normative calendar, the state’s   students heavily. While government   And with the first quarter of the new
             46,000 government and 20,000 pri-  teachers continue to receive their sal-  academic year already lost, children
             vate schools (aggregate enrolment:   aries, private schools — particularly   in government and BPS are likely to
             15 million students) should have   budget private schools which charge   suffer considerable loss of learning
             commenced classes in June. But be-  fees as low as Rs.300 per month —   unless schools reopen as soon as pos-
             cause of fear of vulnerable children   are experiencing increasing difficulty   sible.
             being susceptible to the dreaded   in meeting payroll expenses.     “Schools have to move towards
             Coronavirus which is raging state-  “The state government’s educa-  the pre-Covid era as the citizenry
             wide and has already claimed 9,891   tion ministry has issued circulars   learns to live with the risks, until a
             lives, the decision to restart schools   deferring school fees payment for   vaccine is invented and adminis-
             has been put off time and again.    parents. At the same time, it has   tered. Meanwhile, school manage-
                On July 29, the state’s primary   directed school managements to   ments have to take safety precau-
             and secondary education minister   conduct online classes and pay   tions — masks for everyone, social
             S. Suresh Kumar informed media   teacher and staff salaries. How can   distancing, thorough sanitization of
             and the public that schools would   we pay teachers and staff when our   classrooms and premises etc. More-
             restart in September. But with the   income flows have dried up? This   over, they could divide classes with
             number of Covid positive cases and   confusion has cost budget private   half the number attending on alter-
             fatalities continuing to rise, Kumar   schools heavily and many are on the   nate days. But classroom learning
             (who himself recently tested positive   verge of bankruptcy,” says Shashi   and attendance can’t be delayed any
             for the virus) stated schools would be   Kumar, president of the Associated   further,” says Prof. G. Raghuram,
             open for senior secondary students   Managements of Primary & Second-  former director of IIM-Bangalore
             to “clarify their doubts with teachers”   ary Schools in Karnataka (KAMS,   and currently principal academic
             on September 21. But come Sep-   estb.1988). According to the Delhi-  advisor at the National Rail and
             tember and the date was deferred to   based NISA (National Independent   Transportation Institute, Vadodara.
             October 15. Again on October 3, he   Schools Alliance), a mere 5 percent   This advice is unlikely to prompt
             declared: “We have not taken any de-  of parents of children in budget   the state’s BJP government which is

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