Page 21 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 21

sub-quota in medical admission for   medical colleges have 2,347 seats.   Therefore, I welcome the govern-
             state government school students   Therefore, under the new quota Bill,   ment’s reservation mandate,” says
             who clear NEET, but score below the   200 seats will be available for state   Dr. Somasundaram.
             prescribed cut-off marks.        government school-leavers. Howev-  Yet it’s pertinent to note that a
                Under the Bill, the 7.5 percent   er, private school students who may   special quota has had to be legis-
             TNBSE affiliated school students   have higher NEET scores will have   lated for state government students
             with highest NEET rank/score are   to stand down. But if this ‘horizontal   to facilitate their entry into medical
             eligible for admission into under-  reservation’ of 7.5 percent is aug-  colleges because of poor learning
             graduate programmes in allopathy,   mented with an increase in the num-  outcomes in TNBSE affiliated institu-
             medicine, dentistry, Indian medicine   ber of colleges, private school-leavers   tions. In turn this is the outcome
             and homeopathy colleges within the   wouldn’t be excluded,” explains R.   of continuous interference with the
             state under the new special quota.   Karthikeyan, a second year MBBS   curriculums, teachers recruitment
             Under NEET’s domicile rule, 85   student at Chennai’s Tagore Medical   and politicisation of government
             percent seats in medical colleges in   College.                   schools, of which all political parties
             every state are reserved for students   Chennai-based educationist Dr.   are guilty.
             resident within all 29 states and   S. Somasundaram, an alumnus of   Moreover for the public it is — or
             seven Union territories, with 15   Madurai Kamaraj, Bhoj and Periyar   should be — a chilling consideration
             percent to be allotted (to those who   universities, also welcomes the state   that over 69 percent of students in
             clear NEET) at the discretion of the   government’s new quota order. “Stu-  Tamil Nadu’s merely 50 medical col-
             institutional management.        dents in government schools tend to   leges are admitted on considerations
                “This is an overdue initiative of   be from EWS (economically weaker   other than merit. While the interests
             the AIADMK government. The total   section) households. They are at a   of equity and social justice are being
             number of seats in Tamil Nadu’s   disadvantage when writing NEET   served by the runaway affirmative
             government medical colleges are   and other public/national university   action on which there is evidently all-
             3,300 per year, of which 2,785 are   entrance exams as they are not able   party consensus, public health and
             for domiciled students. In addi-  to pay for coaching like most class XI   safety is compromised.
             tion, government-aided and private   and XII students of private schools.   Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)

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