Page 22 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 22

Education Notes

               DELHI                  (CIIIT) on the Jammu     tion in academic publica-  Ltd. These companies have
             National Teachers        and Baramullah campuses   tions and development of   initiated similar projects

             Awards 2020              of the Government        curricula.              in 16 states including
                                      Polytechnic College,                             Madhya Pradesh, Andhra
             new delhi, september 5.    Srinagar. These centres    UTTAR PRADESH       Pradesh and Maharashtra,
             At a specially organised   are scheduled to become   Greenfield forensics   earlier.
             virtual ceremony to mark   operational in November.                          “Ninety percent of a
             Teachers’ Day (September   “The centres are being   university            child’s brain is developed
             5), President Ram Nath   built at a cost of Rs.360   lucknow, september 13. A   in the first six years. The
             Kovind conferred the Na-  crore with the objective of   greenfield Uttar Pradesh   plan to have state-of-the-
             tional Teachers Awards to   bringing quality improve-  Police and Forensic   art lessons, technology-
             47 selected teachers from   ment in technical educa-  Sciences University sited   enabled classrooms will
             around the country for   tion to facilitate creation   at Piparsand village on the   help our anganwadi
             their unique contribution   of a ready pool of skilled   periphery of Lucknow, has   children to be ready for the
             towards developing teach-  manpower and increase   been sanctioned by the   first grade of mainstream
             ing innovations to enrich   employment opportunities   state government. A sum   schools,” said state health
             the lives of their students.  in the region,” said a gov-  of Rs.20 crore has been   minister Vishwajit Rane,
                To select India’s     ernment official, address-  budgeted for construction   speaking on the occasion.
             best teachers, the       ing the media.           of the university, said    The educational
             Union ministry of                                 additional chief secretary   software is written in
             education invited          ANDHRA PRADESH         Awanish Awasthi in a    the native Konkani and
             nominations including    SRM-Northeastern         media interaction.      English languages and
             self-nominations, from                              The objective of the uni-  smart TVs and tablets
             teachers on an online    concordat                versity, which will be built   will be available in all
             portal. First-level scrutiny   amaravati, september 11.   on a 3.16-acre campus,   classrooms, added Rane.
             was done by a district   The Amaravati-based      is to provide education,
             selection committee (DSC)   SRM University signed   training and research in    MADHYA PRADESH
             chaired by the district   a partnership agreement   forensic sciences to police   IIT-Indore KV launch
             education officer. Based   with Northeastern      officers and the ranks in
             on prescribed criteria,   University, Boston (USA),   Uttar Pradesh. Assistance   indore, september 8.  A new
             DSC shortlisted three    for advancement of       is being provided by the   Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV)
             names per district which   education and research.  Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam   K-12 school will be set up
             were forwarded to state    “Northeastern Univer-  Technical University, Luc-  within the campus of the
             selection committees.    sity is among the world’s   know, to get the project off   premier Indian Institute of
             Subsequently, final      most respected universi-  the ground.            Technology-Indore, taking
             round nominees made      ties and this collaboration   “We have reached out   the country’s count of KVs
             presentations to a high-  will provide an oppor-  to the Gujarat Forensics   to 1,242, Union education
             powered jury through     tunity for our students   University as also to an   minister Ramesh Pokhriyal
             video conferencing. For   to visit and learn at this   institute in Israel for tech-  announced on Twitter.
             list of awardees, visit   highly reputed American   nical assistance,” added   “I am very happy to
             nationalawardstoteachers.  university,” said vice chan-  Awasthi.         share that a new name is
                cellor V.S. Rao, speaking                        going to be added to the
                                      on the occasion. Collabo-   GOA                  vast chain of Kendriya
               JAMMU & KASHMIR        ration between the two   E-learning project      Vidyalaya Sangathan. The
             Tata Technologies        universities will begin with                     orders are being issued
             project                  initiatives of the computer   panaji, september 14. An   today to open a Central
                                      science and mechanical
                                                                                       school within the IIT-In-
                                                               e-learning pilot project
             srinagar, september 3.  In   engineering faculties, he   is ready for launch   dore campus. I believe this
             collaboration with Tata   added.                  in anganwadis and       will be a unique combina-
             Technologies Ltd, the      This partnership agree-  government pre-primaries   tion of higher and school
             Union territory authority   ment will facilitate joint   in the Sattari and Ponda   education,” the minister
             of Jammu and Kashmir is   research programmes be-  suburbs of Panaji with   tweeted.
             constructing two Centres   tween faculty and scholars,   the support of Siemens
             for Invention, Innovation,   joint teaching and cultural   India and ConveGenius   Paromita Sengupta with bureau
             Incubation and Training   activities and collabora-  Education Solutions Pvt.               inputs

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