Page 20 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 20

Education News

             Hindi chauvinism, and a majoritarian hindutva ideology   THEY SAID IT IN SEPTEMBER
             without a credible economic development agenda.
                                      Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)  “Government intervention should be
                                                                 minimum in the new education policy. The
               TAMIL NADU                                        more teachers and students are associated
             Quota politics                                      with the policy, the better will be its
                                                                 functionality and its results.”
                    new bill providing a 7.5 percent quota within   Prime minister Narendra Modi addressing the
                    the existing reservation totaling 69 percent of   Governors’ Conference on National Education Policy
             A all seats in Tamil Nadu’s 50 medical colleges     (September 8)
             was passed by the state’s legislative assembly on Sep-
             tember 15 for students graduating from state govern-  “The report fails to take into account the
             ment schools who have also passed NEET (National    impact of poor-quality higher education
             Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test). In 2013, the Central   on rural youth who, in many ways, are
             government mandated NEET as the sole examination    manifesting signs of alienation from their
             for admission into all medical colleges nationwide. Top   roots, are disaffected and amenable to being
             scorers in descending order in NEET get the choice of   recruited into violent anti-social activities.”
             their medical colleges subject to 85 percent of seats in
             medical colleges being allotted to students domiciled in   A.R. Vasavi, social anthropologist, on NEP 2020
             every state.                                        ignoring the crisis in education among the
                                                                 marginalised majority in rural India (Indian Express,
                However, the prime motivation of the new Bill is that   September 15)
             too few school-leavers from government schools affili-
             ated with the Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Educa-
             tion (TNBSE) are scoring sufficiently high marks in   “IT (information technology) has been
             NEET to be admitted into the state’s 50 medical colleges   presented as a harbinger of a revolution in
             under the 85 percent domicile quota. Most seats are be-  education for more than three decades now.
             ing bagged by private school-leavers.               However all reliable studies seem to indicate
                The new quota Bill is the outcome of the recom-  that ICT in the classroom helps in already
             mendation of a committee headed by P. Kalaiyarasan,   well-functioning systems, and either has
             former judge of the Madras high court. The committee   no benefits or negative impact in poorly
             proposed reserva-                                   performing systems. That does indicate much
             tion between 7.5-10
             percent for class XII                               hope from IT in our education system.”
             students graduating                                 Rohit Dhankar, professor, Azim Premji Unversity,
             from schools affili-                                Bangalore on why e-learning in India won’t improve
                                                                 bad education (The Hindu, September 23)
             ated with TNBSE.
                This Bill has been
             unanimously passed                                  “The government intends to invite the top
             by the state’s legisla-                             100 foreign universities to set up campuses
             tive assembly follow-                               in India. This will promote competition and
             ing loud protests that                              consolidation in higher education, as we
             state government                                    saw with Indian industry after the economic
             school students are                                 liberalization of 1991.”
             under-represented                                   Rajendra Srivastava, dean of the Indian School of
             in Tamil Nadu’s 50   Edappadi K. Palaniswami        Business, on NEP 2020’s recommendations for
             medical colleges in-                                internationalisation of higher education (Mint,
             cluding 14 private medical colleges, because the TNBSE   September 24)
             curriculum didn’t prepare them sufficiently to be highly
             ranked in NEET. The mismatch between the TNBSE      “A family business in cinema is not
             curriculum and NEET was dramatically highlighted in   necessarily creative. It is generally about
             2017 when a girl student who topped the annual TNBSE
             school-leaving exam committed suicide for failing   prolonging your family fortune.”
             to qualify under NEET. On March 21, chief minister   Naseeruddin Shah, Bollywood actor, on ‘family
             Edappadi K. Palaniswami announced reservation of    business’ (Forbes India, September 25)

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