Page 24 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 24

Education Briefs

             AVVU’s second Unesco             provides a classroom structure where   “This partnership will strengthen
             chair                            students  and  teachers  can  organise   emerging possibilities towards ur-
                                              classes, review syllabuses, schedule
                                                                               ban inclusion through exchange
             New  delhi,  september  8.  The Coim-  and launch classes, host virtual office   of research, capacity development
             batore-based Amrita Vishwa Vidyap-  hours and more. Students can easily   and other partnerships with India’s
             eetham University (AVVU) has been   connect with each other or simply ac-  emerging cities,” said Prof. Ajit K.
             awarded a Unesco chair for Experi-  cess course resources, and parents can   Chaturvedi, director, IIT-R, speak-
             ential Learning for Sustainable Inno-  stay involved too — by easily sched-  ing on the occasion.
             vation & Development. Through this   uling virtual parent-teacher confer-  Added Hitesh Vaidya, director,
             chair, the university will design a cur-  ences.                  NIUA: “IIT-R is an academic institu-
             riculum based on experiential learn-                              tion par excellence. Its Department
             ing which will enable the academic   LEAD Teachers Academy        of Architecture & Planning is globally
             community to acquire the knowledge,                               acclaimed for cutting-edge research
             skills, attitudes and values necessary   mumbai,  september  3.  Leadership   and expertise. We are glad to have
             to implement sustainable solutions   Boulevard Pvt. Ltd aka LEAD School   found a partner-in-change in our en-
             among vulnerable and rural commu-  launched its online LEAD Teachers   deavour to facilitate the building of
             nities.                          Academy on Teachers’ Day (Septem-  accessible, inclusive, and safe smart
                The chair will be held by Amrita   ber 5). The programme and certifica-  cities as envisaged under the BASIIC
             Vishwa  Vidyapeetham for the next   tion under this initiative are free-of-  programme.”
             four years under the leadership of   charge for all teachers. LEAD School
             Dr. Maneesha Sudheer, dean of    has already trained over 10,000 teach-  RIGI-College Board
             the university’s international pro-  ers in its partner-schools.
             grammes and director of its Centre   “The LEAD Teachers Academy pro-  agreement
             for Wireless Networks & Applications.   gramme is free and open to 2.5 million
                “This is the second Unesco chair   teachers across India. Applicant teach-  mumbai,  october  6. The Mumbai-
             awarded to AVVU in the past four   ers will be trained in batches during   based Ryan International Group of
             years after it received India’s first-  the three-part certificate programme   Institutions (RIGI), one of India’s
             ever Unesco chair on Gender Equality   designed to improve their teaching   foremost K-12 education groups, has
             & Women’s Empowerment. We will   skills, update them about best peda-  signed a collaboration agreement with
             now be able to take our experiential   gogies and practices and encourage   the globally renowned College Board,
             learning concepts to the entire world   them to deliver better results,” says   USA. Under the terms of the agree-
             in collaboration with other Unesco   Sumeet Mehta, co-founder and CEO   ment, students of RIGI’s 135 schools
             chairs  and  universities around the   of the company.            in India and abroad, affiliated with di-
             world.  Through  this  chair,  AVVU   Teachers can  enroll for  the  pro-  verse examination boards, are eligible
             will develop an experiential learning   gramme by visiting https://join.lead-  to write the PSAT 8/9 and PSAT 10
             framework to enable an understand- and submit   exams of the College Board. Writing
             ing of the challenges faced by remote   their applications.       these examinations prepare students
             communities, and design sustainable                               to become familiar with the PSAT for-
             solutions in collaboration with them,”   Urban development        mat and ultimately the SAT which is
             says Dr. Sudheer.                                                 the pre-conditional exam for admis-
                                              partnership                      sion into all universities in the US.
                                                                                 “This  collaboration with  College
             Webex Classrooms                 roorkee,  september  4.  The National   Board will benefit diverse students
             preview                          Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)   aspiring for enrolment in reputed
                                              has signed a memorandum of under-  colleges in India and universities in
             iNdia, september 3. Cisco Collaboration   standing with the Indian Institute of   the US. This association will facilitate
             announced a preview of Webex Class-  Technology, Roorkee (IIT-R) for col-  a great starting point and thriving
             rooms, which adapts the US-based   laboration in areas of universal design   prospects for college education in In-
             Cisco Inc’s highly secure platform   principles and inclusive development   dia and universities in the US. We look
             to meet the specific online learning   under its ‘Building Accessible Safe   forward to establishing a long-term
             needs of hybrid classrooms.      Inclusive Indian Cities’ (BASIIC)   association with the College Board to
                According to a Cisco spokesperson,   programme. The MoU lists coopera-  continue providing opportunities for
             Cisco Webex Classrooms is a “secure   tion in field policy research, technical   our students to prepare themselves for
             go-to place for teachers, students, and   support and knowledge creation and   their next step of academic life,” said
             parents to connect more naturally”. It   dissemination.           Dr. Snehal Pinto, director, RIGI.

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