Page 28 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 28

Institution Profile

             pool for development management                                   be able to resume our on-campus
             education. Within four years since     ADMISSION & FEES           teaching-learning and field studies.
             it admitted its first batch, ISDM has                             Meanwhile, our academic team and
             acquired a reputation for document-  ISDM offers a one-year Post Gradu-  development managers have started
             ing case studies, publishing reports   ate Programme in Development   publication of an essays series
             on NGO leadership and application   Leadership (PGP-DL). Admission is   providing insights into the effect of
             of business management nostrums in   open to graduates of any discipline.   the Covid-19 pandemic on Indian
             the social impact sector. Moreover,   There are five application cycles   society,” says Shah.
             apart from the one-year PGP-DL    through the year. Admission is    With challenges in the voluntary
             programme, ISDM offers several                                    sector constantly evolving and trans-
             short-term, strategically curated   based on a written test and inter-  forming, Shah is committed to con-
             education programmes for voluntary   view. The new academic session   tinuous improvement of the PGP-DL
             sector practitioners, leaders and   begins in July of every year.  course structure to address new and
             social entrepreneurs.             Fees: Rs.5 lakh. Need-blind scholar-  old societal problems and new chal-
                Following the national trend since   ships are awarded to meritorious   lenges. “After our first three batches
             the closure of education institutions   students.                 of 197 students graduated, we have
             countrywide in March to check the   For further information, contact   used their feedback to revisit and
             spread of the Covid-19 pandemic,                                  improve the curriculum and peda-
             ISDM has moved all study pro-     ISDM, C 20/5-6, Sector-62, Noida;   gogy. We are confident of producing
             grammes online. “The 2020-21      Ph: +91 9999788216; email: con-  well-trained and dedicated young
             batch of 37 learners started its online;       leaders to head and manage social
             programme on schedule in July. We   website:      impact and voluntary organisations
             hope that by early next year, we will                             in India,” says Shah.

             University of Virginia, USA

             Founded by Thomas Jefferson, author of the
             Declaration of American Independence (1766)
             and president of the United States (1801-1809),
             UVA is routinely ranked among the Top 5 public
             universities of America

                      VER THE PAST TWO CENTURIES, the Univer-
                      sity of Virginia (UVA, estb.1819) has acquired an
                      excellent reputation for teaching and research
             Owith the institution routinely ranked among the
             Top 5 publicly-funded universities in the US. In the 2020
             edition of America’s Best Colleges of the US News & World
             Report, UVA is ranked #4 among public universities while
             the Times Higher Education World University Rankings
             2021 ranks it among the Top 200 worldwide (#117).  UVA campus: UN World Heritage Site
                The university was founded by Thomas Jefferson (1743-
             1826), one of America’s founding fathers, author of the   graduate and 7,800 postgrad students. A second campus
             Declaration  of  American  Independence  (1776)  and  the   (estb.1954) in Wise, Southwest Virginia hosts a public lib-
             country’s third president (1801-09). Departing from estab-  eral arts college with 2,065 students. After remaining shut
             lished tradition of the time, Jefferson promoted UVA as a   for over six months to check the spread of the Covid-19
             religiously secular institution of higher learning. The uni-  pandemic, the UVA campus began in-person instruction
             versity’s campus layout designed by Jefferson himself, is an   for undergraduates on September 8.
             architectural landmark and the first varsity campus world-  Charlottesville.  Named  in  honour  of  Princess  Charlotte,
             wide to be awarded World Heritage Site status by Unesco.  the wife of King George III of England (ousted by George
                UVA’s 12 academic schools, located in Charlottesville,   Washington), Charlottesville is sited on a hill overlooking
             offer a wide range of study programmes to 16,000 under-  the River Rivanna in Albermale County, Virginia. A pictur-

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