Page 32 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 32

Young Achievers

                                                                               University, Jalandhar (LPU) alum
                                                                               has every reason to be elated. “The
                                                                               generous scholarship is beyond
                                                                               my wildest expectations. ANU is
                                                                               a leading research institution and
                                                                               I am excited about continuing my
                                                                               research in pest resistant horticul-
                                                                               ture practices. I am very grateful to
                                                                               my faculty and mentors at LPU who
                                                                               assisted me in my applications pro-
                                                                               cess,” acknowledges Sumant.
                                                                                 Born into a farming family — his
                                                                               Solan (Himachal Pradesh)-based
                                                                               father Arvind Bindal is a seeds pro-
                                                                               duction specialist — Sumant believes
                                                                               that if low productivity and high
                  MEERA MEHTA                 healthcare centres, a science college   wastage in India’s agriculture sector
                                              for tribal students, and a skill devel-
                                                                               is reversed, the country can double
                                              opment centre for empowering rural   its annual GDP growth rate. “Almost
                    umbai-based social worker   women, among other institutions.   60 percent of our population is em-
                    and medical student Meera   During the Covid-19 national lock-  ployed in agriculture and the yields
             MMehta (21) was among            down, Meera raised Rs.45 lakh to   of India’s ingenious farmers are not
             150 global citizens conferred the   provide free-of-charge meals for the   low. However, most of their effort
             prestigious Diana Award 2020     city’s stranded migrant population,   is negated by post-harvest losses.
             of the British government on     PPE kits/masks for frontline workers   Therefore, I want to work on disease-
             July 1, at a specially organised   and sponsored the return journey   resistant seed strains and empower
             virtual felicitation ceremony.   of two busloads of migrants back to   India’s neglected rural majority,”
             The Diana Award was initiated    their hometowns in Bihar.        says this young agri-scientist.
             in 1999 in memory of the late      Looking into the future, this inde-  Committed to this cause, last year
             Princess of Wales (1961-1997),   fatigable compassionate social activ-  (2019) Sumant interned at the glob-
             to recognise outstanding young   ist aspires to qualify as a surgeon   ally reputed non-profit World Vege-
             leaders worldwide for initiating and   after completing her MBBS degree.   table Center in Tainan (Taiwan), one
             sustaining positive social change in   “My dream is to serve at the free-  of 15 students shortlisted worldwide
             their communities.               of-charge multi-specialty Shrimad   for this fully funded fellowship of the
                Meera has also been an active   Rajchandra Hospital at Dharampur   Taiwan government.
             volunteer and fundraiser for the   for which I have raised funds,” she   Sumant is especially grateful
             global non-profit Shrimad Ra-    says, modestly.                  to the management and faculty of
             jchandra Love and Care (SRLC)                   Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)   LPU’s School of Agriculture, a leader
             for the past 15 years and has raised                              in agriculture education in India.
             over Rs.1.5 crore for its slew of      SUMANT BINDAL              “Its programmes are designed to
             charitable activities to aid and                                  help students build research aptitude
             enable tribal and underprivileged                                 and it offers ample opportunity of
             communities of Dharampur and        alandhar-based agri-genetics   ‘learning-by-doing’ on its 1,000-acre
             Kaprada talukas, in south Gujarat’s   postgrad Sumant Bindal (22) has   farmlands,” says this dedicated agri-
             Valsad district. She has inspired a  Jmade media headlines in Punjab,   scientist, set to go places.
             large number of youth for voluntary   by bagging a whopping Rs.1.3 crore          Autar Nehru (Delhi)
             services towards fund raising for   Ph D scholarship awarded
             socially beneficial projects.    by the Australian National
                The only child of Dr. Bijal, an   University (ANC), Canberra —
             ophthalmologist, and software    ranked Australia’s #2 public
             engineer Kabir Mehta, Meera is a   research university and #50
             third year student of MGM Medi-  worldwide in the THE World
             cal College, Navi Mumbai, who    University Rankings 2020. For
             took to community service at age   the past two years, Sumant has
             six, inspired by the teachings of   been intensively researching
             her family’s spiritual guru Pujya   ways to make tomatoes
             Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai, founder   resistant to Fusarium wilt —
             of  SRLC. “Over the years, I have   a plant fungus — that ruins
             realised that transparent reporting   tomato crops worldwide. In
             of project objectives and targets   India, this widespread fungus
             transforms enlightened people into   causes a 45 percent yield loss
             willing donors,” says Meera, who   annually.
             has raised funds to build tertiary   This Lovely Professional

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