Page 36 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 36


         View on NEP-2020 of Founder Director Mr. Sachin Vats,
         Gurukul The School, NH-9, Ghaziabad
         India Needs Intent of


         “To paint a new landscape, one must start with                     SACHIN VATS,
         a fresh canvass and a clean brush.”                                Founder Director

                                                                           would for sure, recreate his record and
                                                                           explore new frontiers of knowledge and
                                                                           learning for children of India. And, here came
                                                                           the unveiling of a unique, creative, innovative,
                                                                           logical and systematic system of training and
                                                                           preparing minds with global vision.
                                                                             With the increased grant of empowerment
                                                                           and autonomy to the stakeholders, National
                                                                           Education Policy, has especially kindled a
                                                                           streak of joy in the clan of young edupreneurs
                                                                           like who had ventured into the education
                                                                           sector with a heart pumping with passion and
                                                                           a vision resolute to contribute to the upscaling
                                                                           of prevalent systems and the realignment of
                  he progress and success quo of   and analysis inspired holistic approach to   cliched pedagogies. My happiness is simply
                  a country depends on the ASK-   learning is evidently tiled upon the findings   over-brimming on seeing the limelight turning
                  Attitude, Knowledge and Skill   of neurosciences viz multiple intelligences,   towards a holistic education system and self-
         Tof its human resource. Trans-   varied learning styles and socio-psychological   sufficiency of learners as well as country at
         times, trans- cultures, trans- civilizations and   versatility.   large.
         trans- nations, a country is what its citizens   By and large, the final depiction and   The prime focus of any progressive country
         are. With human capital being the biggest   manifesto of NEP 2020 quite bravely   is to nurture and optimise the potential of its
         asset, the role of education is to optimise its   streamlines the ambits of pre-school, formal   human capital to make them future ready and
         potential and channelise its output for the   schooling and higher education. Embracing   adaptable. We are the largest market for the
         larger good of humanity.         the local languages, creating dedicated   entire world beside having the potential to
           Sovereign India’s 3rd National Education   spaces to upskill faculty, accommodating   become absolutely Aatmnirbhar. In a country
         Policy, announced after a wait of 34 years,   multiple entry points in mainstream education   like India where 50 % of its total population
         catalogues a radical facelift of the country’s   and accommodating a heretofore unimagined   is aged below 25 years, the biggest
         existing education system by opening up   budget of 6% of country’s GDP for National   responsibility of a creditable education
         the playfield for learners’ linear as well as   Research Foundation, says it all about the   system is to nurture the learners with core
         horizontal progress along the curricula.  enormous macro vision and the minute   values and cultural legacies, to sensitise
           This 21st century flexi- possibility system   microscopic detailing put into the entire   them for communal and environmental
         strewn with multi-disciplinary, multi- lingual   assembling.      responsibilities, besides equipping them
         and multi- effectual syllabi envisions to   The Committee to shape the New   with a world of opportunities in terms of
         accommodate the pursuits of vocational   Education Policy being headed by the   employment as well as empowerment, so that
         and non-vocational subjects right from   great space scientist Padma Vibhushan   the youth does not just avail but also creates a
         Early Childhood Education.  A clear   K. Kasturirangan, was itself a reason to be   confluence of new era opportunities.
         inscription of student-centric approach that   hopeful. Those of us in the education fields   A quick dive into the New Education
         crochets critical thinking, enquiry-based,   were already excited and sure that the mind   Policy gives a feeling that it aims at
         discussion and discovery-driven, research   that opened the frontiers of space for India,   answering a lot of long due questions that

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