Page 29 - EducationWorld October 2020
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esque town surrounded by rolling countryside and dotted     SCHOLASTIC OPTIONS AT UVA
             with aesthetically designed buildings and historical land-
             marks, the city is regularly ranked among America’s most   The university’s 12 schools include the Frank Batten School
             preferred habitations. Charlottesville (pop.48,457) was   of Leadership and Public Policy, School of Data Science,
             named as the ‘happiest city in America’ by the US National   College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Curry
             Bureau of Economic Research (2014) and featured among   School of Education and Human Development, Darden
             the ‘Top Ten College Towns’ rankings of Partners for Liv-  School of Business, School of Law, School of Medicine,
             able Communities.                                  School of Engineering and Applied Science, McIntire
                A small but historically important habitat, Charlottes-  School of Commerce, School of Architecture, School of
             ville is best known for contributing America’s three found-  Continuing and Professional Studies, School of Nursing and
             ing presidents — Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and   the Liberal Arts College at Wise.
             James Monroe. Jefferson’s renowned mountain-top home   For a detailed list of study programmes offered by each
             Monticello, attracts a steady stream of tourists every year.   academic school, visit
             Downtown Charlottesville is the legal, financial and social
             hub of the community, and hosts a plethora of shopping   Tuition & other fees (per year)
             malls, cafes and restaurants.                      Tuition       $50,900
                The climate is sub-tropical with hot and humid sum-  Board & lodging
             mers and cold winters. Rain falls throughout the year in   & miscellaneous   $16,296
             Charlottesville.                                   Total         $67,196                   $=Rs.73.67
             Campus facilities. Together with Jefferson’s home at Mon-
             ticello the UVA campus is a desig-
             nated Unesco World Heritage Site.   The Rotunda                          acceptance rate of 24 percent.
             Sprawled over a 3,392-acre campus                                        Minimum eligibility criteria
             the varsity hosts 560 buildings with                                     for admission into its under-
             the central campus popularly known                                       grad programmes are com-
             as the Grounds extending over 1,166                                      pletion of class XII/Plus Two,
             acres. The university revolves around                                    proof of English language
             its Academical Village, which in-                                        proficiency (TOEFL and
             cludes the specific areas of The Lawn                                    IELTS tests) and SAT/ACT
             (a grand terraced green space  sur-                                      scores. However in light of
             rounded by residential and academic                                      the Covid-19 pandemic, UVA
             buildings), The Gardens and The                                          has made the submission of
             Range. The Rotunda, inspired by the                                      SAT/ACT scores optional for
             Pantheon in Rome, stands at the north-end of The Lawn   the 2020-21 academic year. Admission application forms
             and is the university’s most recognisable symbol. Flanking   should be submitted online together with academic tran-
             both sides of The Rotunda and extending down the length   scripts, admissions essay and recommendations from guid-
             of The Lawn are ten Pavilions interspersed with students’   ance counsellor/school principal.
             residences. Each has its own classical architectural style, as   For further information, contact: P.O. Box 400160,
             well as own walled garden separated by Jeffersonian ser-  University  of  Virginia,  Charlottesville,  VA  22904.  Ph:
             pentine walls. These walls are “serpentine” because they   434.982.3200; Email: undergradadmission@virginia.
             run in a sinusoidal pattern.                      edu; website:
                The university’s 12 libraries host 16 million print books   contact-us
             and 463,000 e-books with the Albert and Shirley Small   Accommodation. UVA provides the option of 13 tradition-
             Special Collections library hosting an extensive collection   al and modern dormitories in centrally-located student
             of Thomas Jefferson’s official and personal papers. Other   residential communities. The largest students’ residential
             campus facilities include state-of-the-art classrooms and   complex, the Gooch Dillard Residence Halls, houses 610
             labs, auditoriums, an art museum and gallery, a learning   students. All first-year undergrad students are expected to
             resource centre, two radio and a television station.   live on-campus and are assigned rooms in one of three resi-
                Moreover in the tradition of America’s great universities,   dences — Brown, International and Hereford. All offer fully
             UVA offers superb facilities for sports and games and a rich   furnished rooms, shared bathrooms, kitchens, lounges, In-
             assortment of student clubs and organisations (800 clubs   ternet access and laundry facilities.
             and 60 social service fraternities). It also has the distinction   Degree programmes. UVA’s 12 schools offer 90 undergradu-
             of hosting the country’s oldest debating society for under-  ate, 69 graduate and 55 doctoral degree programmes (see
             graduate students.                                box).
             Admission. Admission into UVA is highly selective with an                               DIPTA JOSHI

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