Page 26 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 26

Institution Profile

                               Indian School of Development

                                        Management, Noida

                     ISDM has quickly built an excellent reputation for educating and training graduates for
                                employment in India’s fast-growing voluntary services sector

                                                         AUTAR NEHRU

                    ROMOTED IN 2016 WITH
                    the objective to “profes-
                    sionalise the leading and
             Pmanaging of social purpose
             organisations”, the Indian School of
             Development Management (ISDM),
             Noida has quickly built an excellent
             reputation for educating and training
             graduates for employment in India’s
             fast-growing voluntary services sec-
             tor. India hosts one of the world’s
             largest number of social impact, aka
             voluntary services, organisations
             — 3.17 million including schools,
             colleges, faith-based institutions and
                “ISDM is committed to strength-
             ening the domain of development
             management with study programmes                                       ISDM, Noida: pioneer voluntary
             that transcend the silos of ‘develop-                                  sector B-school. Inset: Gaurav
             ment perspectives’ and ‘management                                     Shah
             principles’. General business man-
             agement practices cannot be retrofit-                                  tion, Quest Alliance, Dasra,
             ted to execute development projects                                    Barefoot College, Dr. Reddy’s
             effectively. The social sector requires                                Foundation, SRF Foundation
             managers and leaders trained in                                        and Udhyam.
             development management. Over                                             According to Shah, the
             the past few decades in particular,   Dr. Pramath Raj Sinha, co-founder   unique feature of the insti-
             India’s development sector has   of Ashoka University and senior   tute’s specially designed PGP-DL
             experienced huge changes in the   partner at 9.9 Media; Rohit Kapoor,   curriculum is that it combines im-
             character and role of social impact   vice-chairperson and CEO of EXL;   mersive classroom learning experi-
             organisations, which need people   Ravi Sreedharan, formerly at HSBC   ence, collaborative group learning,
             with specialised knowledge and skills   and Azim Premji Foundation; and   and field studies under its Realising
             to realise their goals. Our mission   Sharad Agarwal, board member   India programme. “Our PGP-DL pro-
             is to develop a cadre of reflective,   at IIMPACT (a Gurgaon-based   gramme has been specially designed
             committed professionals capable of   NGO working for education of girl   to include courses, workshops and
             leading and managing organisations   children). In 2016, the founder   guest lectures specific to the social
             that can stimulate sustained social   group crowd-funded ISDM which   sector. Moreover our context-based
             change and impact at scale,” says   launched its flagship one-year   collaborative group learning peda-
             Gaurav Shah, an alumnus of BITS,   postgraduate programme in      gogy adapts business management
             Pilani and IIM-Calcutta and former   development leadership (PGP-DL)   concepts and practices to voluntary
             management consultant with Procter   “to develop a cadre of management   service organisations. It involves
             & Gamble, American Express, Azim   professionals that can manage and   students collaborating with peers in
             Premji Foundation, and Lok Capital,   lead social purpose organisations for   groups facilitated by a bricoleur i.e,
             prior to his appointment as founder-  sustainable social impact at scale”.  mentor,” says Shah.
             director of ISDM four years ago.   Thus far, 200 graduates have     Sited within a modern, thorough-
                ISDM is the brainchild of a   been certified by ISDM and campus-  ly-equipped four-storey building in
             group of highly-respected social   recruited by well-known NGOs and   Noida’s Sector 62, ISDM also hosts
             entrepreneurs and industry leaders   development organisations including   a Knowledge and Research Centre
             including Ashish Dhawan, former   Azim Premji Philanthropic Initia-  which collaborates with development
             venture capitalist and founder of   tive, Hindustan Unilever Founda-  and academic institutions around
             the Central Square Foundation;                                    the world to create a knowledge

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