Page 60 - EducationWorld October 2020
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                                                                               over 140 Indian entrepreneurs and
                                                                               industry leaders worldwide to co-
                                                                               promote AU. Now the top priority of
                                                                               this serial edupreneur is to develop
                                                                               Plaksha U on the Ashoka University
                                                                               “collective philanthropy” model.
                                                                               Direct talk. “India produces 1.3
                                                                               million engineering graduates
                                                                               every year. But over half of them
                                                                               are unemployable because their
                                                                               foundational education is not
                                                                               sufficiently strong or because they
                                                                               are too narrowly specialised in
                                                                               mechanical, civil, electronics and
                                                                               computer sciences engineering,
                                                                               when the need is for engineers
                                                                               with multi-disciplinary skill-sets.
                                                                               Therefore, Plaksha University will
             Gupta: “STEM professionals with cross-functional problem-solving skills”  offer reimagined curriculums that
                                                                               diffuse the conventional boundaries
             Serial edupreneur’s new initiative                                of STEM education to develop
                                                                               multi-disciplinary engineers and
                                                                               scientists well-versed in new digital
                    INEET GUPTA is the pro-   on target to admit its first batch of   technologies. The requirement
                    moter-managing director of   students next August.         of contemporary corporates and
             Vthe Delhi-based Jamboree        History. A mechanical engineering   businesses is multi-skilled STEM
             Education Pvt. Ltd (estb.1995), a   grad of IIT-Delhi, Gupta took to   professionals with cross-functional
             pioneer test prep company for stu-  the entrepreneurial path ab initio.   problem-solving skills,” says Gupta.
             dents aspiring to study abroad, and a   Immediately after graduation, he   Future plans. The ambitious PU
             founder-trustee of the highly-reput-  promoted two companies which   project has already attracted 80
             ed, privately-promoted liberal arts   he sold for a “tidy profit” and   donors including Neeraj Aggarwal
             Ashoka University (AU, estb.2014).   in 1993, together with his wife   (Boston Consulting), Hitesh Oberoi
             Within a short span of time AU has   Akrita Kalra, an alumna of Delhi   (InfoEdge), Manas Fuloria (Nagarro)
             risen high in public esteem and is   University, promoted Jamboree   among others, who have collectively
             ranked India’s #3 private university   Education. Since then, they have   raised an impressive endowment
             in the latest EW India Higher Educa-  nurtured and developed it into the   corpus of Rs.325 crore  — above the
             tion Rankings 2020-21.           country’s largest test prep company   phase I target of Rs.250 crore — for
                Evidently, inspired by the    for school and college-leavers   Project Plaksha. Gupta is optimistic
             runaway success of AU, Gupta has   preparing for admission tests (SAT,   about the future of this high-poten-
             ventured once more unto the breach,   GRE, ACT, IELTS, TOEFL) of   tial, path-breaking venture.
             this time to establish a state-of-the-  universities and higher education   “It is pertinent to note that the
             art, globally-benchmarked STEM   institutions abroad. Currently, the   National Education Policy 2020 has
             (science, technology, engineering   company which has a headcount   given high importance to multi-
             and math) private varsity. Plaksha   of 450 employees, including 150   disciplinary higher education. I am
             University (PU) is fast assuming   faculty, prepares 20,000 students   confident our new syllabuses and
             shape and form in the Chandigarh   annually in 39 centres across India,   curriculums that collapse conven-
             Region Innovation and Knowledge   the Middle East, Singapore and   tional STEM boundaries will produce
             Cluster (CRIKC), Punjab, which also   Nepal for admission into colleges   the inter-disciplinary scientists,
             hosts 14 reputable higher education   and universities in the US, UK and   engineers and leaders that India Inc
             institutions including the Indian   Commonwealth countries.       urgently needs. I believe the highly
             School of Business, IISER and PEC.   In 2014, Gupta teamed up with   successful Ashoka University model
             Newspeg. Named after a famous tree   several highly-educated, success-  can be replicated in STEM educa-
             in Indian mythology (also the origin   ful entrepreneurs including Ashish   tion,” says Gupta.
             of the mythical River Saraswati), PU   Dhawan (Chrys Capital), Sanjeev   Godspeed!
             has recruited its first faculty and is   Bhikchandani ( among      Dilip Thakore (Bangalore)

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