Page 64 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 64

International News

               UNITED STATES                                   eral Bureau of Justice statistics.
             Police education initiatives                        “We train students like we train soldiers, and therein lies

                                                               a fatal flaw in the training police officers,” says John De-
                                                               Carlo, director of the Masters degree in criminal justice at
                                                               the University of New Haven, speaking about police educa-
                                                               tion in general. “Because soldiers have enemies and police
                                                               officers have communities.”
                                                                 The Minnesota State University system, which educates
                                                               86 percent of that state’s police, is forming a task force that
                                                               includes civilian advocacy groups to review the quality of
                                                               its programmes and improve the diversity of faculty. The
                                                               chancellor of California’s community colleges has also rec-
                                                               ommended an assessment of that system’s law enforcement
                                                               training programmes, which produce 80 percent of police
                                                               of the state. And a commission in Virginia has been named
                                                               to ensure the police training programmes at its commu-
                                                               nity colleges teach the skills required to deal with diverse
             Police-protestors standoff: education quality questions  Northeastern University started a police academy last
                                                               year that requires each trainee to introduce him or herself to
                     AS THE US CONTINUES TO RECKON WITH A      a stranger every week and report back with the story of that
                     string of deaths of black Americans at the hands of   person, and to practise peacefully resolving violent conflicts
                     law enforcement officers, attention is turning to a   staged by actors.
             new focus: institutions that train police, including universi-  As it stands, police “have very little training in how you
             ties. Three states have announced reviews to consider how   speak to another human being”, says Bianca Harris, a for-
             they can improve police education and training, including   mer prison warden who is launching a new online Masters
             Minnesota, where the killing of George Floyd when he was   in criminal justice at North Carolina’s Meredith College this
             stopped by four police officers ignited worldwide protests.  autumn that will teach graduates to treat civilians they en-
                Questions are mounting about the quality of education   counter “like real people with real needs”.
             being provided by universities that train large numbers   The challenge is compounded by the fact that there are
             of police, considering that the Floyd case is only one in a   few national standards for police education, which is run by
             litany of fatal encounters between police and black civil-  states. Minnesota is among the few states that require a uni-
             ians. “There’s some soul-searching going on because what   versity degree to become a police officer. About half of of-
             people have begun to realise is how we as educators have   ficers nationwide have at least a two-year degree, 30 percent
             become complicit,” says Jason Williams, assistant professor   have a bachelor’s degree and 5 percent have postgraduate
             of justice studies at New Jersey’s Montclair State University.   degrees, according to a survey conducted at California State
             Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who   University, Fullerton. While higher education is generally
             pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly eight minutes   required for promotion, and most departments pay more
             and has been charged with second-degree murder, received   to their personnel who have a degree, 82 percent of police
             a bachelor’s degree in law enforcement from a public uni-  departments don’t require any university degree at all for
             versity.                                          officers just starting out.
                Given the job security of careers in law enforcement,   One thing is certain, says Mona Danner, who chairs the
             nearly  300 US universities have police training pro-  department of sociology and criminal justice at Virginia’s
             grammes; they account for 45 percent of police academies   Old Dominion University: “There’s an increasing recogni-
             (the rest are run by law enforcement agencies) and two-year   tion that the current situation is untenable and change must
             community colleges collectively graduate the largest num-  occur.”
             ber of recruits. But critics complain that students in these
             programmes are predominantly taught by serving or former   Google short-cut
             law enforcement officials, making them unlikely to change
             long-held practices, and that they focus more on firearms   NIVERSITY LEADERS ARE WATCHING closely
             instruction than cultural diversity or bias. The 45,000 po-  after Internet behemoth Google jumped deeper
             lice recruits per year nationwide, spend an average of 168  Uinto post-secondary education, offering six-month
             hours apiece learning about defensive tactics, weapons and   certificate programmes in technical fields that it promises
             use of force, and 25 on reports writing, versus 12 on cultural   to treat in its hiring as the equivalent of a four-year univer-
             diversity and nine on conflict resolution, according to Fed-  sity degree.

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