Page 66 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 66

International News

             in other jobs.
                Less clear is the role of secondary schools in infections.
             They have stayed shut almost everywhere. Outbreaks in
             France and Israel suggest that the virus could spread more
             easily in secondary — than in primary — schools. Older stu-
             dents may be easier to keep apart in classrooms, but good
             luck trying to stop them congregating afterwards.
                America will struggle to contain school outbreaks as
             much of Europe has done, because infection rates in many
             states are too high and health officials are overwhelmed.
             Tough choices may be necessary. Britain’s prime minister,
             Boris Johnson, has warned that pubs might have to close
             (to keep infections down) so children can go to school. In
             America, where any constraint on freedom goes against the
             grain, such trade-offs may be an even tougher sell.
                                                               German undergraduates: third option. Inset: Frank Ziegele
             Work students woes                                bers crunching. “We benefit from a rather cheap labour
                                                               force,” Prof. Ziegele admits. But still, “it’s much better for
                     STUDENTS LOOKING FOR PART-TIME WORK       your career than working in a bar,” he argues.
                     are often caught between two less-than-ideal op-  Not all employed German students enjoy work student
                     tions. When they need extra money, they can take   positions. Like in other countries, they also toil in bars,
             on low-skilled part-time work, such as stacking shelves in a   cafes and factories in positions open to anyone. But the
             supermarket or pulling pints in a bar. If they want profes-  system is so well-established that almost a third of those
             sional experience, internships are preferred. But these are   employed have the equivalent of a work student position
             often unpaid, excluding all but the wealthy, and sometimes   in universities and research organisations (the number in
             barely long enough to work out how to use the photocopier.   private companies is unclear).
             German students, however, have a third option that advo-  Still, there are low rumbles of concern about social fair-
             cates say combines the best of both worlds.       ness. Students who win such positions in universities are
                ‘Work student’ positions have been offered by German   more likely to come from highly educated families, accord-
             companies since the 1920s and give undergraduates long-  ing to a spokeswoman of the German Centre for Higher
             term experience in a firm alongside their studies — stints   Education Research and Science Studies. In some cases, the
             of a year are not uncommon — while often paying above   system is a “reproductive path for students from the higher
             minimum wage. “This system in Germany seems to be very   classes”, admits Schneickert, although he stresses it is still
             special,” says Christian Schneickert, a sociologist at the Uni-  fairer than unpaid internships.
             versity of Magdeburg who has studied the scheme.    But the pandemic has really brought the weaknesses of
                An online search for work student positions yields thou-  Germany’s student job system into painful focus. Perhaps
             sands of results, offered by global consultancies, industrial   surprisingly for a wealthy social democracy, in Germany
             titans and banks. The work itself might not be the most   students rely heavily on their jobs and parents, but less so
             thrilling — doing income tax returns, writing sales reports,   on the state (although they pay next to no tuition fees).
             testing new IT tools — but it is several steps up from fetch-  More than a quarter of students’ income comes from
             ing coffee and may lead to a permanent job upon gradua-  their own earnings, according to the most recent data from
             tion, acting as a kind of extended interview.     2016, up four percentage points from 2012. Nearly seven
                The system is protected in law. Work students who la-  of 10 students work while studying. Meanwhile, more than
             bour for less than 20 hours a week, pay no health or unem-  half their income comes from parents.
             ployment insurance, meaning they keep most of their sala-  There  is  now  deep  worry  about  how  many  students
             ries, explains Frank Ziegele, director of Germany’s Centre   have lost their jobs, says Stefan Grob, spokesman for the
             for Higher Education (CHE). “The incentive for everyone   Deutsches Studentenwerk, a countrywide network of stu-
             involved is that it creates a win-win situation,” he says. “You   dent service organisations. One survey suggests that the
             can earn a living, but can do something that is tied to what   figure could be as high as 40 percent. The anguish from
             you study.” Students commonly tackle questions pertinent   student groups has grown so loud that in June, the gov-
             to their employer in their bachelor’s or Masters thesis, he   ernment introduced emergency grants for those down to a
             explains.                                         few hundred euros in their account. So far, there have been
                At CHE, work students are drafted on a project basis to   150,000 applications for this bridging aid in June and July,
             relieve regular employees of, say, relatively routine num-  says Grob, whose organisation runs the scheme.

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