Page 71 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 71

ICAR campus, Delhi: obstinate public accountability deficit

             sector enterprises (PSEs) which were naively expected to   dia. Curiously, ICAR and vice chancellors and faculty of the
             generate vast surpluses for investment in public education,   country’s agriculture universities have maintained a deafen-
             health and rural infrastructure.                  ing silence on the issue of forced march of an estimated 10
                Tragically, PSEs managed by business-illiterate bureau-  million migrant labour to their village homes after they were
             crats and government clerks never produced the budgeted   thrown out of their jobs and modest lodgings and all public
             surpluses with the result that contemporary India is among   transport was shutdown at four hours’ notice on March 24
             the world’s most under-educated, medically under-served   by the Central government following the outbreak of the
             countries with a desperately poor rural citizenry. These infir-  Coronavirus pandemic. Nor have any of them joined the
             mities of the Indian economy have been brought into sharp   public debate on the three controversial agriculture reform
             focus during the current Covid-19 pandemic, highlighting   Bills passed by Parliament last month which have divided
             that the country has neither the intellectual capital nor eco-  the country.
             nomic resilience to effectively combat the sweeping virus   The popular perception of ICAR and its affiliated 71 gov-
             devastating Indian society.                       ernment agriculture universities is that they are ivory tower
                Widespread rural poverty which prompts mass annual   institutions filled with ritually qualified kith and kin of the
             migration of rural youth to work in urban India in humiliat-  neta-babu (politician-bureaucrat) brotherhood which has
             ing conditions and live in Dickensian squalor, has exposed   hijacked post-independence India’s economy. These uni-
             the problems-solving inadequacy of central planners and   versities are established on huge, beautifully landscaped
             the neta-babu brotherhood, which the industry liberalisa-  100-acres-plus estates on urban peripheries, and pay their
             tion and deregulation of 1991 notwithstanding, continues   faculty very comfortable Seventh Pay Commission salaries
             to micro-manage the economy. Persistent rural poverty and   and perks. Typically, they are defined by huge establish-
             backwardness has also raised questions about the compe-  ment expenses, low tuition fees for students, and have large
             tence and contribution of the apex-level Delhi-based Indian   research budgets. Moreover, all of them manage model farms
             Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR, estb.1929) and the   sustained with best fertiliser and pesticide inputs and impres-
             country’s 71 agriculture universities towards modernising   sively high yields, but maintain minimal connect with rural
             Indian agriculture and raising living standards in rural In-  communities and farmers. Their ‘extension services’, i.e,

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