Page 75 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 75

culture universities to the national de-                          pertinent to note that 65 percent of
             velopment effort has been “greater than                           rural India is rain-dependent with
             the IITs and IIMs combined”. “Over the                            farmers receiving only 30-35 days of
             past seven decades despite not being                              rainfall on average. The causes of rural
             well-funded, they have not only made                              distress are policy failures, especially
             the ship-to-mouth India of the 1960s                              in irrigation and beyond the remit of
             which was faced with the real prospect                            India’s agriculture universities,” argues
             of mass starvation, self-sufficient in                            Chandrakanth.
             food grains and horticulture produce,                               While there is undoubtedly consid-
             they have also developed a large num-                             erable merit in the arguments advanced
             ber of seeds and strains suitable for all                         by Damodaran and Chandrakanth
             soils and terrains. The primary duty                              that India’s 71 universities under the
             of faculty in these institutions is to                            ICAR umbrella have substantially
             teach and research which they have                                contributed towards transforming the
             discharged admirably. Although all                                ship-to-mouth Indian economy of the
             the universities offer extension ser-                             1960s into a food surplus nation, it’s
             vices, it’s not the duty of scientists to                         also arguable that they haven’t suffi-
             provide field services. Transferring lab   Chandrakanth: hostile markets  ciently discharged their advisory role
             research to farmers’ fields is the job of                         in policy formulation. Admittedly, the
             agriculture ministries of the states. For   which continue to do excellent teach-  teaching and research record of these
             the widespread distress, farm suicides   ing and research. Indeed thanks to the   academies is commendable, but over
             and low productivity and prices of farm   new strains of rice evolved by them,   the years India’s agriculture universi-
             produce, the fault is of government pol-  India is currently the world’s #1 high-  ties have transformed into giant white
             icies not universities,” says Damoda-  quality rice exporting country,” says   collar bureaucracies with discernible
             ran, who has 29 years of experience at   Chandrakanth.            aversion to extension work.
             PTI, Hindu Business Line and Indian   With reference to the low per-  According to some agriculture econ-
             Express.                         hectare yields of Indian farmers and   omists, the universities’ extension work
             A         ICAR and state agricul-  Chandrakanth has ready explanation.   of the Green Revolution has suffered
                                                                               which was exemplary in the heyday
                                              widespread poverty in rural India,

                       SPIRITED DEFENCE OF
                                              According to him, per-hectare league
                                                                               because of the abolition in the new
                       ture universities is also
                       advanced by Dr. M.G.   tables don’t reveal the ground reality   millennium of the cadre of university
                                                                               gram sevaks engaged in extension and
                                              that India’s farmers grow and harvest
             Chandrakanth, an alum of the Uni-  two-three crops per year on the same   handholding last mile duties in farm-
             versity of Agriculture Sciences (UAS),   land and that per-hectare usage of fer-  ers’ fields. With the autonomy of ICAR
             Bangalore, and University of California   tilisers and pesticides is substantially   and state universities wholly eroded by
             at Berkeley, former professor of agri-  lower than in most countries. “The   successive governments at the Centre
             cultural economics at UAS and former   prime causes of rural poverty in In-  and in the states, this “big mistake” of
             director (2016-20) of the Institute for   dia are hostile cartelised markets, too   institutional interference went unpro-
             Social and Economic Change, Banga-  many intermediaries and poor credit   tested. Since then, ICAR’s 101 institutes
             lore (ISEC, estb.1972).          dispensation forcing dependence on   and the country’s 71 state agriculture
                “For the younger generation it’s im-  usurious money-lenders, inadequate   universities have transformed into is-
             possible to imagine the food insecurity   storage and cold chains which force   lands of teaching and research excel-
             that the country was suffering in the   distress selling. All these are policy-  lence increasingly isolated from their
             early years of the Green Revolution.   related problems totally unrelated to   rural communities.
             Under the leadership of great scientists   our agriculture universities. It’s also   Against the backdrop of Parlia-
             including Union agriculture minister                              ment having enacted three reportedly
             C. Subramaniam, M.S. Swaminathan,   Over the years India’s        revolutionary Acts which promise to
             American agronomist Norman Borlaug                                revolutionise Indian agriculture, in the
             and Dr. M. Mahadevappa working in   agri universities have        pages following we present interviews
             ICAR and state agriculture universi-  transformed into giant      with leaders of three of India’s most
             ties, the production of food grains                               respected agriculture universities in
             was raised from 50 million tonnes in   white collar bureaucracies   the hope that they will shed light on the
             1950 to 300 million tonnes currently,   with aversion to extension   root causes of the prolonged malaise
             a monumental national effort cen-  work                           in rural India, which grudgingly hosts
             tred in India’s agriculture universities                          two-thirds of the country’s population.

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