Page 80 - EducationWorld October 2020
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             Gandhi, who knew full    Raj. Parallelly, it’s also
             well that the party presi-  the story of Jawaharlal   CHINA’S TRANSFORMATION:
             dent would automatically   Nehru’s ascendency to the   THE SUCCESS STORY & THE
             be the first prime minster   most powerful office of   SUCCESS TRAP
             of independent India.    post-independence India     Manoranjan Mohanty
                In a detailed chapter   with tragic consequences   SAGE PUBLICATIONS
             titled ‘Nehru’s Historic   for two generations — and   Rs.1,195
             Blunder’, Akbar narrates   counting — of free Indians   Pages 376
             how Nehru torpedoed the   floundering in shallows
             June 7 concordat. Ad-    and misery.
             dressing a press confer-           DILIP THAKORE
             ence on July 10, Nehru                            est groups started forming,
             asserted that Congress had   Compelling           power balances (within   Throughout the book
             only agreed to the estab-                         and outside the Party)   the author says that
             lishment of a Constituent                         shifted and the character   China will continue
             Assembly. “What we do    narrative                of transformation began to   to grow, but that its
             there, we are entirely free                       shed its socialist origins.   problems will mount
             to determine. We have       F YOU HAD TO PICK       The consequences:      in intensity
             committed ourselves on no   just one book to read   regional and income
             single matter to anybody,”   Ion a desert island (or   inequalities, urban pollu-
             he said. This provided   more realistically, during   tion and environmental   township, he studied in
             Jinnah “confirmation of   a Covid-19 lockdown)    degradation, ‘democratic   minute detail the various
             Congress deceit… and the   that would give you an   centralism’ with increased   agencies formulating and
             loophole through which he   authoritative and read-  Party control, and less   implementing the reforms
             could backtrack on India’s   able account of China’s   responsiveness to public   — from Party HQ right
             unity,” writes Akbar. Ex-  rise to global superpower   sentiment. To use a medi-  down to the village level —
             actly a year later, Pakistan   status and its current pre-  cal analogy, Mohanty’s   their organisation, work-
             became a fully indepen-  dicament, it should be this   hypothesis is that the ‘diet’   ing methods, relationships
             dent and sovereign state.   book. The reasons will be   prescribed by the reforms   and responsiveness to
                Although this book    clear later in this review,   produced biochemical   challenges.
             ends with the assassina-  but first, let us consider   changes in China’s body   With a surgeon’s preci-
             tion of Gandhi on January   the crux of the argu-  politic. The symptoms   sion, Mohanty points to
             30, 1948 and Jinnah’s    ment of political scientist   were described graphically   the CPC’s (Communist
             death nine months later   and China scholar Prof.   by former prime minis-  Party of China) abandon-
             (September 11, 1948), it   Manoranjan Mohanty.    ter Wen Jiabao (March   ment of the early and in-
             provides telling evidence   The introductory chap-  2007) as “… growth (that)   novative approach to rural
             of the damage that Nehru   ter presents the case that   is unstable, unbalanced,   industrialisation adopted
             — who subsequently as    Mohanty sets out to prove   uncoordinated, and unsus-  through the collectively-
             prime minister led free,   in the book. It goes as fol-  tainable”.       owned Township and
             high-potential India down   lows: China’s transforma-  Any good physician   Village Enterprises (TVE)
             the disastrous socialist   tion into a modern indus-  would test this hypoth-  model. Moreover, this was
             road to national bank-   trial powerhouse started   esis by examining the   followed by creeping bu-
             ruptcy and nurtured the   with Deng Xiaoping’s    anatomy and physiology   reaucratisation, changes in
             unyielding tree of the Ne-  policies of ‘reform and   of the patients’ organs, to   the Party’s class character
             hru-Indira dynasty which   opening up’ in 1979. As   determine how cause is   and the dilution of partici-
             has reduced the Congress   these policies were imple-  linked to effect. And this   pative public monitoring
             party to a shadow of its   mented, economic growth   Mohanty duly proceeds to   mechanisms. The first
             greatness did.           started accelerating; as the   do in Part II — the heart   word in the Party’s slogan
                The title of this deeply   plans evolved and changed   of the book — which is a   ‘Socialism with Chinese
             researched and fluently   with increasing contact   masterpiece of longitudi-  characteristics’ was begin-
             written history suggests   with the outside (capital-  nal social science field-  ning to sound distinctly
             that it is all about Gandhi   ist) world, so did the range   work at the very grassroots   dodgy.
             and Jinnah, the domi-    and impact of the result-  of Chinese society. Over   The symptoms of the
             nant personalities of the   ing economic and social   three decades of work in   resulting ailment are
             last days of the British   changes. Gradually, inter-  Wuxi district and Hela   described in Part III of

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