Page 82 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 82


             Wasteful ageism                                   to dethrone the ‘4 Khans’ — Salman, Aamir, Shahrukh,
                                                               and Saif Ali — box office male stars of the Bollywood
                                                               fantasies factory.
                  VEN THE OCCASIONAL FOLLOWER OF THE             With the weight of emerging evidence indicating that
                  US presidency election campaign — the electorate   Rajput, a troubled and insecure young (33) individual
             Eof the world’s most powerful democracy will vote   who often used soft drugs, had made his own quietus,
             on November 3, less than a month from now — can’t   Goswami has widened the ambit of the investigation to
             help noticing the extent to which unapologetic ageism   the alleged drugs addiction of Bollywood celebrities i.e,
             has crept into political jousting. According to President   the 4 Khans and popular actress Deepika Padukone who
             Donald Trump (74), his Democratic party rival Joe   has often embraced Left-liberal causes.
             Biden (78) is too aged to be able to shoulder the cares   Backing whistle-blower and blatantly pro-hindutva
             of presidential office and his campaigning is enabled by   actress Kangana Ranaut who alleges that 99 percent of
             performance enhancing drugs.                      top Bollywood stars are drug users, the RSS/BJP chorus
                However in the scrappy first head-to-head
             presidential debate which Biden won hands down, the   orchestrated by the self-righteous Goswami is hell-bent
                                                               on religious cleansing of Bollywood, whose stars are
             latter proved that he not only is totally compos mentis,   demi-gods of the country’s largely illiterate population.
             he is an intelligent, well-informed, experienced and
                                                                 Besides, the national focus on the Narcotics Control
             compassionate political leader, the mirror opposite of   Bureau investigating the country’s most revered movie
             Trump. If the American electorate re-elects Trump, it will
             be clear proof that those whom the Gods wish to destroy,   stars serves the useful purpose of distracting public
                                                               attention from government mismanagement of the
             they first make mad.
                Given the slavish tendency of influencers in Indian   economy, the sweeping Covid-19 pandemic, the India-
             society to follow American trends, it’s unsurprising that   China border standoff and other embarrassing issues.
             ageism — described as “stereotyping, prejudice, and   Indeed an ingenious tangled web woven to deceive.
             discrimination against people on the basis of their age” —
             the higher judiciary, experienced Supreme Court justices  Self-inflicted misery
             is also rife in Indian society. Despite chronic vacancies in
             are compulsorily retired at 65, and high court judges at
             62. Most of them continue their careers in arbitration or   N ANNUAL FEATURE OF MUMBAI (pop.
             as heads of tribunals with perfect ease. Why shouldn’t   18 million) — the country’s commercial and
             they continue to serve the public interest? Ditto army   Afinancial capital — is the heavy damage caused
             generals and seasoned civil servants. Why shouldn’t they   to the city and its productive citizens by the monsoon
             continue to serve the public when 80 is the new 60?   rains year after year. This year, according to the Indian
                In this connection it’s worthy of note that judges of   Meteorological Department, between June 1 and
             the US Supreme Court continue in harness until death   September 24, Mumbai received 3,679.8 mm rain, just
             or proven incapacity. It’s quite obvious the real rationale   short of its highest ever seasonal rainfall of 3,759.7 mm
             of pushing perfectly capable oldies out of office is to   in 1958, causing damage to livelihoods, property and by
             artificially create employment within a low growth   way of business disruption estimated at Rs.51,000 crore.
             economy in which an aged political class (there’s no   However the heaviest rainfall of 1958 is testimony
             retirement age for politicians) is unwilling to relinquish   that the annual deluge is not a latter-day phenomenon.
             control and command of all economic activity. It’s a   According to informed environmentalists the quantum
             wonder why the passive public tolerates aged politicians   of rain the megalopolis receives annually has remained
             blundering on forever while capable professionals are put   unchanged for the past 80 years. Moreover prolonged
             out to pasture prematurely.                       delay in building a motorway to the mainland, a mere
                                                               10 km as the crow flies — a project first proposed in the
             Ingenious tangled web                             1970s — because the metro’s powerful politician-builder
                                                               lobby conspired to keep property prices sky-high, has
                                                               added to the chaotic congestion of the commercial
                T’S A MEASURE OF THE DEGREE TO WHICH           capital.
                religious communalism and identity poison is     To a substantial degree maximum city’s citizenry
             Ispreading within Indian society under rule of the BJP/  has brought this misery upon itself. Since 2012 it has
             NDA government, that the Supreme Court mandated   continuously elected the Shiv Sena — an organisation
             CBI investigation into the alleged suicide/murder of   with a notorious record of routine extortion, intimidation
             rising Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput on June 14   and skulduggery — to run the city’s municipal
             has morphed into a covert anti-Muslim and anti-liberals   government. Under Sena rule the politician-builder
             witch-hunt in Bollywood, the world’s largest feature   lobby went on a haphazard building spree while stalling
             films factory. Led by prime-time English television news   construction of the Mumbai-Nhava Sheva motorway to
             proconsul, Arnab Goswami who has attained national   the mainland, work on which finally began early this
             fame for conducting a nightly witch-hunt on the Republic   year. The plain truth is that the city’s indifferent middle
             TV news channel which slavishly toes the BJP line, the   class doesn’t vote in municipal elections, let alone run for
             Rajput investigation has gradually mutated into a covert   office. Therefore Mumbai’s multiple miseries, including
             campaign to end the perceived domination of Bollywood   highest rents worldwide and copious flooding every year
             by liberals and the Muslim community, and in particular   is self-inflicted misery.

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