Page 78 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 78

Special Report

              Barefoot College International, Tilonia

                 n alumna of University College,                                             suming processed
             ALondon and Harvard University,                                                 and dangerously
             New Zealand-born MEAGAN  FAL-                                                   sugared foods grown
             LONE was appointed CEO of Barefoot                                              with harmful chemi-
             College International (BCI, estb.1972)                                          cal fertilisers and
             in 2011.  Excerpts from an interview:                                           genetically modified
                                                                                             seeds. Crops are
             Although it has received little official                                        failing, pests are out
             recognition in India, BCI has a global                                          of control, our water
             reputation. What in your opinion are its                                        systems are not
             major achievements?                                                             being regenerated
             Fifty years ago, two young urban edu-                                           or conserved and
             cated youth, Bunker and Aruna Roy,                                              climate change will
             joined forces with rural-born and                                               continue to throw
             raised team members, whose wisdom                                               up one crisis after
             did not come from books but from                                                another.
             the land, their traditions and practi-  Meagan Fallone (left): Gandhian principles commitment  Currently at
             cal experience, to promote the Social                                           Barefoot College
             Work and Research Centre (SWRC,   programme we have developed that   International, we are working to
             estb.1972, now known as BCI). I’m   takes illiterate and semi-literate   build a technology platform that will
             sure they never imagined this venture   rural women on a transformational   surround illiterate and semi-literate
             would become a global movement   journey, developing technical mastery   farmers — men and women — with
             which has improved the lives of   in renewable energy combined with   learning and financial support
             more than a million people and over   eight additional skill modules: finan-  capability to absorb and share best
             80,000 adolescents and children   cial literacy, digital literacy, environ-  practices and connect with accessible
             worldwide.                       mental stewardship, women’s health   marketplaces. Our teams work with
                In the decade past, BCI has trans-  & nutrition, micro enterprise skill   the Apple Developer Academy at the
             formed into a hybrid social innova-  development, sustainable secondary   Federico II University in Naples, Italy
             tion organisation that leverages the   livelihoods, rights-based awareness   and our partnership with Pioneer-
             sustainability and strategic thinking   and aspiration/agency development.      ing Ventures, an extraordinary
             of a ‘social enterprise’. Today we   This is a programme co-created by   Indian-Swiss international agri-foods
             are three distinct entities: SWRC, a   a multicultural team working simul-  company whose mission is to cre-
             registered society; Barefoot College   taneously across several countries in   ate regenerative value for farmers,
             International, a s.8 not-for-profit   collaboration with local and national   consumers and the planet, is setting
             company and our artisans enterprise   governments including India’s Union   the base for this initiative. We will be
             Hatheli Sansthan.                ministry of external affairs, private   working to co-create and collaborate
                This organisational model has   sector companies, private foundations   with India’s finest civil society organ-
             been designed by an extraordinary   and dozens of other NGOs and social   isations, farmer producer groups,
             team. Together we have successfully   enterprises. For women engaged in   state and national governments as
             scaled our programmes in 11 Indian   micro enterprises, passing through   well as academic and technology part-
             states and 93 developing countries.   the Enriche Women Prosper curricu-  ners. Additionally, Barefoot College
             Yet in India, we are widely referred to   lum increases their annual earnings   International is working on develop-
             as an NGO, a label that’s not applica-  by up to 25 percent.      ing a high tech dairy farming cur-
             ble any more. While SWRC continues   The past ten years have been a   riculum for young people, designed to
             its deep commitment to Gandhian   catalytic decade for BCI. The strength   produce high quality dairy products.
             principles, Barefoot College Interna-  of Bunker Roy and my own effort to-
             tional has added to that same set of   gether with the SWRC and BCI teams   Any other comment?
             ideals a larger vision.          in Tilonia and around the world has   Rabindranath Tagore repeatedly said
                                              been an extraordinary period of in-  the heart of India lay in its villages,
             How satisfied are you with the growth and   novation and growth for the organ-  and that no real progress is possible
             development of BCI?              isation, and sets it up for the next 50   without the development of agri-
                This month (September), BCI was   years of service.            culture and alleviation of poverty in
             conferred the prestigious Wise Prize                              the rural hinterland. I often wonder
             for Education Innovation of the Qatar   What needs to be done to revive Indian   what he would have chosen as the
             Foundation. In a departure from   agriculture to make this country an agri-  best solution to integrate technology
             past practice of awarding children’s   culture superpower?        to create a new order “where tireless
             education programmes, this year   Children around the developing world   striving stretches its arms towards
             the Wise Prize has been awarded to   are not thriving because they are not   perfection, where the clear stream of
             Enriche Women Prosper, a holistic   eating right, or enough. They are con-  reason has not lost its way….”

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