Page 77 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 77

Institute of Rural Management, Anand

                 n alumnus of IIT-Delhi and the
             Ablue-chip Georgia Tech Univer-
             sity, Atlanta (USA) with professional
             experience in Reliance Industries,
             Mafatlal Industries and the Sunflag
             Group (Tanzania), PROF. HITESH
             BHATT signed up in 2010 with the In-
             stitute of Rural Management, Anand
             (IRMA, estb.1979), Gujarat, founded
             by the legendary Dr. Verghese Kurien,
             and was promoted to the director’s
             office in 2017. Excerpts from an

             By common consensus, IRMA is ranked
             India’s #1 agriculture/rural India B-school.
             What in your opinion are the major
             achievements of IRMA?
             Institute of Rural Management
             Anand (IRMA) was established in
             1979 by Dr. Verghese Kurien, father
             of India’s White Revolution. The   IRMA campus. Inset: Prof. Hitesh Bhatt
             philosophy behind the institute was
             to professionalise managements of
             organisations that serve underserved   Over a period of 38 years, IRMA has   public demand. India’s agriculture
             sectors of our economy. The unique   been able to attract the best students   universities and IRMA have all con-
             strength of IRMA is our ability to   as well as the best corporates and   tributed to increased productivity and
             develop managers with capability   voluntary organisations for campus   management of farm produce.
             to nurture agriculture-focused   recruitment. This is because of the
             institutions and organisations. Over   high pedigree of our faculty members   What’s your take on the new legislation
             the past 40 years, IRMA has certified   and excellent rural development   passed by Parliament to liberalise and
             3,500 nation builders and global   curriculum. IRMA’s commitment to   deregulate Indian agriculture?
             leaders who have been awarded    knowledge creation has led to its re-  The three Bills passed by Parliament
             our two-year postgraduate diploma   invention as a knowledge institution   recently will enable farmers to sell
             in rural management to fulfill Dr.   as opposed to a mere hub for teach-  their produce freely to any purchaser
             Kurien’s dream.                  ing, training and research.      rather than bind them to highly
                Some of our most notable alumni                                cartelised APMCs. Moreover, cash-
             are: Dr. R.S. Sodhi, managing direc-  Despite 60 percent of India’s population   starved farmers can now lease their
             tor of the Gujarat Milk Marketing   being engaged in agriculture/farming,   land to individuals and companies
             Federation (Amul); V. Vivekanandan,   this sector contributes only 17 percent of   on contract basis to earn rents and
             CEO, South Indian Federation of   annual GDP. How do you explain the low   perhaps a share of income. Farmers
             Fishermen Societies; Alkesh Kumar   productivity of Indian agriculture?  can sign farming agreements with
             Sharma, IAS; Sanjeev Asthana, CEO,   This is a misreading of the situation.   agribusiness firms, processors,
             Ruchi Soya; Angshu Mallick, COO,   It’s not agriculture production and   wholesalers, exporters etc, for sale
             Adani Wilmar Ltd; Girish Menon,   productivity that has gone down. It   of farm produce at mutually pre-
             CEO, ActionAid UK; Sivakumar     is because the share of the services   agreed prices. The resistance to
             Surampudi, CEO, ITC (e-Choupal   sector in the economy has risen ex-  the legislation is mainly from large
             initiative); Andy Mukherjee, business   ponentially. Until the mid-1980s, the   farmers in the agriculture states in
             journalist, Bloomberg; Rajiv Khan-  contribution of the services sector to   the north who are assured minimum
             delwal, co-founder and executive   GDP was negligible. But currently,   support prices (MSP) for their
             director, Aajeevika Bureau; Mayank   its contribution is over 50 percent.   produce. However, it’s important to
             Midha, co-founder and CEO, GARV   Therefore, the contribution of agricul-  bear in mind that only 6 percent of
             Toilets; Apoorva Oza, CEO, Aga Khan   ture to GDP has declined. However,   the country’s foodgrains is given MSP.
             Rural Support Programme (India),   agriculture production and produc-  The remainder is sold in the market
             Anusha Bharadwaj, executive direc-  tivity has risen steadily. Foodgrain   anyway. Now farmers have the
             tor, Voice4Girls, among others.  production has quintupled since 1950   freedom to sell to the APMCs/mandis
                                              and there’s been great progress in   at MSP or to anyone else. Competition
             How satisfied are you with the growth and   recent years of poultry, fisheries and   among buyers will result in better
             development of IRMA?             dairy products in response to shifting   prices for farm produce.

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