Page 81 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 81
the book. They include adjectives used by Wen deliver the solution? a therapy to manage — or
rural depopulation and Jiabao. But the doctor’s di- To be fair, China’s even reverse — its weak-
increasing distress in agnosis still cleaves to our great strides in the hottest nesses? Of course, that
the countryside — even imagery of a patient with areas of S&T have been of therapy might well bring
while the overall tide was a persistent and debilitat- recent origin. In the past its own adverse side-
rising — environmental ing illness, rather than one five years, there has been effects. A China run by a
stress and the reducing being rushed to ICU. impressive progress in techno-mandarinate could
role of China’s public If time is not an imme- fields earlier considered perhaps solve this problem
health system. Most telling diate constraint, is a rem- problematic. Urban air but bring about a dystopia
is the chapter about the edy not possible? Mohanty pollution is one, for in- somewhere between Or-
problems faced by China’s is not at all hopeful that stance. Another is the con- well’s 1984 and Huxley’s
women in ‘the success China can — or wants to — certed drive towards clean Brave New World.
trap’, especially set against amend its rural strategy, energy and transportation. Finally, these reserva-
Mao Zedong’s once-reso- already identified by him A third is the encourag- tions are minor when set
nant words “women hold as a root cause. ing trend towards greater against the grand sweep
up half the sky”. He is probably right, afforestation, green cover and range of this book, its
However, nowhere does but his warning is apt for and a rising consciousness academic rigour and anal-
Mohanty imply a ‘com- India. We are poised at an about climate change. ysis, and its commitment
ing collapse of China’ or inflection point in our own China’s advances in to search for answers. It
an impending Armaged- development journey, and digital technology and its explains China’s present
don. Throughout the book a rural-cum-technology widespread commercial and offers a peek into the
he holds that China will led initiative might well applications are now of a future. Avoid the statistics.
continue to grow, but that be something that India size and scale to arouse in- Overlook the references
its problems will mount should consider very terest and extreme alarm, and end-notes. But read
in intensity. Perhaps seriously to revitalise its depending on where you the book.
more words will need to economy. Could science sit in the world. Would RAVI BHOOTHALINGAM
be added to the four dire and technology (S&T) China’s S&T not produce (The Book Review)