Page 73 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 73

Agriculture productivity: how India compares

                            Wheat                                            Milled Rice

                       12                                              12
                        8                                               9
                    mt/ha  5                                        mt/ha  6

                        2     Rank                                      3     Rank
                              1     6    19    25    42                       1     3     13   35    46
                             New   China  India  USA  Pakistan             Australia  USA  China  Pakistan  India

                            Cotton                                           Cottonseed / Oilseed
                      2500                                              4
                      1500                                              3
                    kg/ha  800                                      mt/ha  2

                      500     Rank                                      1     Rank
                                         17    32    36                                        18    25
                              1     3                                         1     3     4
                           Australia  China  USA  Pakistan  India           Australia  China  South  Pakistan  India
             Source: Index Mundi 2020 based on US department of agriculture estimates

             farmers’ income by 2022 by its research                           They are ranked #46 with an average
             on farming systems, policy inputs and                             yield of 4 mt/h against top-ranked Aus-
             coordination with state agencies.”                                tralia’s 10 mt/h. Surprisingly, India is
                Ex facie these huge increases in                               ranked below Bangladesh #28 and Pak-
             India’s production of foodgrains, hor-                            istan (35). Likewise on the millet (#39)
             ticulture produce and livestock is im-                            and cotton (#36) productivity league
             pressive. But it’s important to bear in                           tables as well, India is an also-ran. On
             mind that the timeframe adopted by                                the cotton productivity league table
             Mohapatra is seven decades, during                                of Index Mundi, India is ranked #36
             which the country’s population has                                with 496 kg/h. In the table headed by
             risen 3.5 times, that rural India has                             Australia (2,056 kg/h), China is ranked
             not only many more mouths to feed,                                #3 (1,748 kg/h) while India is ranked
             but 7 times as many hands to work with                            below Egypt, Pakistan and Bangladesh
             new, mind-boggling technologies of In-                            among others (see table).
             dustrial Revolution 4.0. Therefore, the                             For the near rock-bottom factor pro-
             more important metric to measure the                              ductivity of India’s majority farming
             progress of Indian agriculture during                             community, surely some — if not all
             the past seven decades is per-hectare   Banerjee: extension services deficit  — of the blame can be levelled against
             yields of farm produce. By this metric,                           ICAR and affiliated agriculture univer-
             productivity of India’s over 400 mil-  #19 worldwide with an average yield of   sities whose graduates and/or faculty
             lion farmers is abysmal. Although in   4 mt/h below China #5 (6 mt/h), Egypt   have failed to disseminate best farm-
             2019-20, India’s wheat production to-  #8 (6), in a table topped by New Zea-  ing nostrums and practices within the
             talled 106 million tonnes, on the Index   land #1 (9 mt/h).       population.
             Mundi 2020 based on US department   In the league table of milled rice pro-  “ICAR and India’s agriculture uni-
             of agriculture estimates, India ranks   ductivity, India’s farmers fare worse.   versities played a major role in en-

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