Page 68 - EducationWorld October 2020
P. 68

EW Spotlight Feature

         Covid-19 Education Warriors                                       teaching-learning processes to online
                                                                           platforms in the following ways:
                                                                             Initially, the school staff drew upon
                                                                           their expertise in providing blended
         Rashid Sharfuddin                                                 learning  to  swiftly  move  the  teach-
         Headmaster, SelaQui International School, Dehradun                ing-learning  processes  online  with
                                                                           the help of digital platforms such as
                                                                                    Zoom and Google Class-
                                                                                      Subsequently,  the  Mi-
                                                                                    crosoft  Teams  platform
                                                                                    was used as a one-stop so-
                                                                                    lution for teaching, assign-
                                                                                    ments and assessments for
                                                                                    all classes.
                                                                                      The  SelaQui  staff  also
                                                                                    created  a  136-page  de-
                                                                                    tailed training manual to
                                                                                    assist teachers in deliver-
                                                                                    ing  an  excellent  blended
                                                                                    learning experience.
              romoted in 2000, the Central   pedagogical  process.  SIS’  steady   Community outreach
              Board of Secondary Education   growth,  wonderful board results and   All members of the school commu-
         P(CBSE) affiliated SelaQui Inter-  excellent  rankings  are  attributable   nity donated a part of their salaries to
         national School (SIS), Dehradun offers   solely  to  their  efforts,”  says  Rashid   the PM Relief Fund.
         holistic 21st century learning steeped   Sharfuddin, headmaster of SIS.  Under the guidance of the school
         in Indian traditions and values. Rou-  An  alumna  of  the  University  of   captain Ganesh Tripathi, the student
         tinely ranked among the Top 10 co-  Delhi with a masters degree in School   council conducted an online meeting
         ed  boarding  schools  in  the  country   Management and International Edu-  of all students to discuss contribution
         in the annual EducationWorld India   cation of the University of Bath (UK),   of their two months’ tuck amount to
         School Rankings, SIS has been at the   Rashid Sharfuddin started his teach-  those worst affected by the pandemic.
         forefront of pedagogical innovations   ing career when he was just 21. Fol-  In collaboration with the local ad-
         with special emphasis on developing   lowing his teaching stint in highly re-  ministration, the school community
         21st century skills and global compe-  puted boarding schools of the country   also supported the daily wage earn-
         tencies and technology integration in   —  The  Lawrence  School,  Lovedale,   ers in the neighborhood through do-
         the teaching-learning process.   and Assam Valley School, Guwahati   nation of  dry ration and medicines.
           During  the  ongoing  mass  shut-  — he signed up with the The Doon   This humanitarian gesture was also
         down  of  educational  institutions   School,  Dehradun  —  the  country’s   covered by national news channels.
         prompted by the novel coronavirus   top-ranked boarding school — as a   The school management ensured that
         pandemic outbreak, the SIS manage-  history  master  in  2003.  He  served   all the support staff were being paid
         ment, under the leadership of Rashid   as  the  assistant  housemaster  of  Jai-  full salary despite being confined to
         Sharfuddin, has been drawing upon   pur House (2008-2011), housemaster   their homes. Professional counselling
         the expertise of the SIS faculty in de-  of Oberoi House (2012) and was the   was provided to students and parents
         ploying technology in the teaching-  housemaster of Jaipur House before   in dealing with various emotional and
         learning process to provide a seamless   being appointed headmaster at Sela-  other issues.
         online learning experience to students   Qui International School in 2014. A   A  series  of  webinars  on  various
         and also mobilising the school com-  sports enthusiast and an avid biker,   pertinent issues were also conducted
         munity to help those worst impacted   traveller and reader, Rashid Sharfud-  wherein experts from various walks
         by the Covid-19 crisis.          din has been keenly interested in the   of life shared their opinions with the
           “SelaQui International School was   education of marginalised communi-  school community.
         among first schools in the country to   ties and has presented research papers   “Our  efforts  to  ensure  learning
         deliver  digital  technologies  driven   on the subject at various national and   continuity of students has been ap-
         learning for students during the ini-  international seminars. He has also re-  plauded by all students and parents.
         tial days of the national lockdown in   searched the history of early 20th cen-  We have almost 95 percent attendance
         March. I am extremely proud of my   tury Delhi. His study on the renaming   for our online classes. Parents have
         colleagues  who  despite  many  per-  of New Delhi roads was nominated   been included in the process by shar-
         sonal  and  professional  challenges,   the most original research paper at a   ing regular updates and achievements
         stepped up to support students and   history seminar in Delhi University.  of students. They are not only praising
         parents  during  this  unprecedented   Under his able guidance, the SIS   our efforts but also standing with us
         crisis.  They  have  reinvented  them-  management  and  staff  has  ensured   strongly by paying fee on time,” says
         selves and in the process, the entire   a  smooth  transition  of  the  schools   Rashid Sharfuddin.
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