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             TIME TO END PROLONGED PSE LOVE AFFAIR                             employee was recruited on the recom-
                                                                               mendation of a member of the neta-
                                                                               babu  brotherhood  because  in  those
                  HE  TOTAL  P RIIVATISATION  ON  Oc-  economic  development  model  im-  years,  an  Air  India  job  was  highly
                  tober 8 of Air India, the public   posed upon newly-independent India   coveted. The huge losses suffered by
             Tsector  national  airline,  which   by a myopic political leadership. The   this nationalised airline — which in
             during the past 68 years since it was   plain truth is that the recurring losses   effect was captured by its over-paid,
             nationalised in 1953 has recorded a   incurred by PSEs which required bud-  well-connected middle class employ-
             cumulative loss of Rs.70,000 crore,   getary support year after year, have   ees — had to be borne by the masses
             is  a  milestone  in  the  half-hearted   been at the cost of public goods such   toiling at the bottom of the country’s
             national  development  history  of   as roads, railways, telephone connec-  iniquitous  socio-economic  pyramid.
             post-independent  India.  That  this   tivity, bank credit, quality government   This infirmity is common to all PSEs.
             perpetually bleeding airline has been   schools, primary health centres, police   It’s  high  time  the  academy  and
             re-purchased by the business house of   and judicial systems. All these public   teachers  community  acknowledge
             Tata from whom it was unwarrantedly   services  —  prerequisites  of  middle   that until the mid-19th century, the
             snatched away almost seven decades   class  societies  —  are  grossly  inad-  Indian subcontinent was the world’s
             ago, is a double bonus. The privatisa-  equate 74 years after independence.    wealthiest  and  most  prosperous  re-
             tion of Air India is a landmark inas-  Almost four decades ago, your edi-  gion contributing 20 percent of glob-
             much as it has prepared the ground   tor wrote a first-ever 13-page feature   al GDP. We were prosperous because
             for the privatisation of a large number   in Business I ndia that examined the   governments focused on governance
             of the country’s 358 Central and state   commercial operations of Air India. At   and maintaining law, order and justice
             government public sector enterprises   that time, the story reported that the   systems. The proper organic develop-
             (PSEs), including nationalised banks   nationalised airline was an unviable   ment model is for government to en-
             established at huge cost to the public   enterprise. It had double the number   able industry and business entrepre-
             exchequer, but have bled the economy   of employees per aircraft of any airline   neurs to prosper and pay taxes, for
             dry and destroyed the modest material   worldwide;  the  nationalised  airline   government to provide high quality
             aspirations of hundreds of millions of   hosted over a dozen trade unions; it   public goods and services.
             free India’s citizens.           was run by a bureaucracy instead of   This should be taught to students
                Regrettably, the country’s academ-  professional management and all im-  in the nation’s classrooms. If not, it
             ics and public intellectuals continue to   portant decisions had to be cleared by   will take another 40 years for the next
             be in love with the inorganic PSE-led   New  Delhi.  Moreover,  almost  every   bleeding PSE to be privatised.

             DEGENERATION INTO A GOUGERS NATION                                dence  of  government  corruption  in
                                                                               countries around the world, India is
                                                                               regressing every year and is currently
                                                                               ranked 86 among 180 countries.
                   DISM AYING  NATIONAL  CHARACTER   tive  reaction  of  people  in  authority   With greedy price gouging — de-
                   flaw that has manifested itself   and suppliers of goods and services   fined as “to force somebody to pay an
             Awith painful impact during the   to any natural or man-made disaster   unfairly high price for something; to
             crushing Covid-19 pandemic is that   is to mark-up prices to earn windfall   raise prices unfairly” — increasingly
             post-independence India — a country   profits. This tendency to exploit and   being accepted as normal behaviour in
             of free men and women expected to   profiteer is by no means restricted to   Indian society, it’s time right-thinking
             hold the moral high ground envisioned   the medical and related vocations. It’s   citizens,  especially  educators,  aca-
             by Mahatma Gandhi and leaders of the   not unusual in the legal profession for   demics and teachers reflect upon the
             freedom movement — has degenerated   lawyers to take upfront fees, and tak-  utter inhumanity of gougers and name
             into a nation of price gougers. One of   ing advantage of the law’s horrendous   and shame them in social and other
             the most depressing revelations of the   delays, to squeeze clients. Ditto corpo-  media. Moreover it’s imperative that
             pandemic is that too many — perhaps   rate entities, traders and retailers. The   morality, ethics and socially respon-
             the majority —  of hospitals, suppliers   minute there’s a shortage of any com-  sible behaviour — subjects that seem
             of life-saving equipment and medica-  modity or grocery item, price graphs   to have gone out of fashion in school
             tions and all too often medical practi-  head for the ceiling.    curriculums  —  are  re-introduced  in
             tioners and personnel, took advantage   Nor is price gouging a middle class   the country’s classrooms.
             of shortages of hospital beds, oxygen   phenomenon. It’s routine for taxi and   Regrettably  because  of  adoption
             and medicines, to indulge in shameless   rickshaw drivers to rip off or refuse to   and propagation of inorganic ideolo-
             profiteering.                    ply even manifestly sick and ailing fel-  gy and poor policy formulation, seven
                In civilised societies, the normative   low citizens. And as for the ubiquitous   decades  after  independence,  high-
             reaction is to extend a helping hand   gouging within government — denial   potential India has remained a poor
             and perhaps even offer price conces-  of services until illegal gratification is   backward, and worse a cruel country,
             sions and fee waivers, to fellow citi-  paid — let’s not even go there. Suffice   routinely practising man’s inhumanity
             zens in distress. Yet in the professedly   it to say that on the corruption index   to man. To a large extent the blame
             socialist society fashioned by the Ma-  of the Berlin-based Transparency In-  has to be laid at the doors of the edu-
             hatma’s unworthy heirs, the instinc-  ternational which measures the inci-  cators and teachers community.

             16    EDUCATIONWORLD   NOVEMBER 2021
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