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             Promoters and
             managements of day-cum-
             boarding schools deserve
             special appreciation for
             making the additional
             investment to accommodate
             out-of-town students who
             but for this consideration
             would be denied high
             quality primary-secondary

                      mong     the   various
                      categories  of  primary-
                      secondaries ranked in the
             Aannual  EducationWorld
             India  School  Rankings  (estb.2007),
             day-cum-boarding  schools  occupy   Dr. Silpi Sahoo (right centre) with the late Dr. Bijaya Sahoo: valuable legacy
             a  special  place.  The  approximately
             100 schools that are sufficiently well-  lockdown — unprecedented in living   revealing  testimony  that  excellent
             reputed to be included in the national   memory — for fear of Covid-19 infec-  primary-secondary  education  is  no
             league table of India’s best day-cum-  tion, during which schools ranked in   longer confined to the industrially ad-
             boarding  schools  are  a  cut  above   this survey resorted to providing on-  vanced states and metropolitan cities.
             top-ranked  day  schools  which  are   line classes, there are only marginal   As usual, the Top 10 table is domi-
             accessible only to residents of the city   changes  in  the  EW  league  tables  of   nated by owned and licensed schools
             in which they are sited. On the other   the country’s most admired day-cum-  of  the  Delhi  Public  Schools  Society
             hand, day-cum-boarding schools make   boarding schools.           (estb.1949) promoted by senior public
             high-quality education accessible to   At  top  table,  the  Sai  I n t e rn a -  servants 72 years ago, with eight DPS
             children  from  other  educationally   t i o n al  Scho o l ,  B hub an e s w ar,    schools — the majority sited in Delhi
             under-served geographies.        DP S,  R .K . P uram  ,  De l hi ,  E m  -  NCR — awarded seats at the Top 10
                Their promoters and managements   e ra d  H e i g ht s ,   I n do re ,   M  o d -  table. Yet one wonders to what extent
             deserve  special  appreciation  of   e rn  Scho o l ,  B arak ha m  b a R o ad,    the sample respondents quizzed for
             the  public  for  making  additional   De l hi ,  H yde rab ad P ub l i c Scho o l ,    the  EWISR  were  impressed  by  the
             investment in hostels and dormitories   B e g um  p e t ,  G re e n w o o d H i g h,    high-ranked DPS institutions, and the
             to accommodate out-of-town students   B e n g al uru,  P al l i k o o dam   Scho o l ,    brand rub-off impact of the DPS Soci-
             who but for this consideration, would   K o t t ayam   ( K e ral a) ,  DP S,  N o i da   ety which has established 222 owned
             be  denied  high-quality  primary-  and San s k aar V al l e y,  B ho p al  have   and franchised schools in India and
             secondary education. Therefore, their   all retained their Top 5 2020-21 rank-  abroad.
             multiplication should be encouraged   ings with few rearrangements of seat-  As at top table, further down the
             by government policies and excellent   ing.                       Top 10 table as well, there is a minor
             day  schools  should  be  incentivised   Jointly ranked #5 with DP S,  N o i -  readjustment of seating. Among the
             to transform into day-cum-boarding   da and San s k aar V al l e y,  B ho p al ,    schools that have improved their rank-
             institutions which would confer the   this year is DP S,  B hadb hada R o ad   ing are N e e rj a M  o di  Scho o l ,  J ai -
             additional  benefit  of  student  body   B ho p al  promoted from #7 last year.   p ur,  T he  M  an n  Scho o l ,  De l hi  and
             diversity upon them.             That  the  country’s  Top  5  day-cum-  E b e n e z e r I n t e rn at i o n al  Scho o l ,
                Presumably  because  all  schools   boarding  schools  are  spread  across   B e n g al uru  which  is  co-ranked  #9
             countrywide were under an 18-month   seven  states  of  the  Indian  Union  is   with Dal y C o l l e g e ,  I n do re ,  moved

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