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marginally improved their rankings,
several previously unranked schools
have debuted in EWISR 2021-22.
Among them: J ai n H e ri t ag e , A
C am b ri dg e Scho o l , Se cun de r -
ab ad at #30, DP S, R au #34, B i rl a
O p e n M i n ds , W aran g al (Telan-
gana) #44, P an k aj G l o b al P ub l i c
Scho o l , al g ao n (Maharashtra) #46.
owever, it’s pertinent to note
Hthat all 100 co-ed day-cum-
boarding schools listed and included
in the EWISR 2021-22 are excellent
institutions and well-known in their
regional zones. Under the C fore
institution evaluation rules, schools
ranked by less than 25 respondents
aren’t included in EW league tables.
Moreover, it’s important to bear in
Deepak & Bharti Madhok: accelerated modernisation benefit mind that schools modestly ranked in
the national league table are usually
ees who gave the school management ity. There is widespread awareness es- highly ranked in their host states and
full support and spared no expense to pecially in UP, that SSV is a model for cities.
transform LKSEC into a fully digitally- pandemic management and smooth For instance, P al l i k o o dam
enabled school. This has been a posi- switch to online teaching-learning. Scho o l , K o t t ayam ranked #4 (4)
tive outcome of the Covid pandemic,” The comprehensive digitalisation of is the #1 day-cum-boarding school of
says Joshi, an economics postgrad of SSV has enabled our students to build Kerala (pop.32 million), consistently
Lucknow University and author of sev- strong ties with schools in Japan, Swe- acknowledged as India’s most literate
eral economics textbooks for school den and Canada and greatly improved state. Similarly, Sun b e am Sun ci t y
children, with valuable teaching expe- peer-to-peer learning,” says Madhok, ranked #15 nationally is the premier
rience in several Birla Group schools an alum of Benaras Hindu and Alla- co-ed day-cum-boarding school of Ut-
prior to being appointed principal of habad universities who chucked up a tar Pradesh (pop.215 million).
LKSEC in 2008. promising career in the civil service to Likewise, the San j ay G ho daw at
De e p ak M adho k , chairman of six take charge of two Sunbeam schools I n t e rn at i o n al Scho o l , K o l ha -
owned and 18 associate English-medi- in Varanasi. Since then, the Sunbeam p ur #17 India is #1 in Maharashtra
um schools in India’s most populous Group of Education Institutions have (pop.115 million), the country’s most
state, is perhaps more satisfied that multiplied to 26 English-medium industrialised state, and the V al l ab h
three Sunbeam schools are ranked schools with an aggregate enrol- As hram ’ s M G M Am i n & V .N . Sa -
among the country’s 162 most ad- ment of 26,000 students mentored v an i Scho o l , V al s ad ranked #42
mired day-cum-boarding schools. Nor by 3,000 teachers, transforming the nationally is #1 in Gujarat (pop.63
is he dissatisfied that the thoroughly education landscape of India’s most million). Moreover, some schools
contemporary Sun b e am Sun ci t y, populous state. even though modestly ranked overall
V aran as i (SSV, estb.2010) ranked Further down the 100-strong day- may be highly ranked under impor-
#15 has overtaken Sun b e am , B hag - cum-boarding national league table, tant parameters such as leadership
w an p ur, V aran as i (estb.1974) #19 while most schools have retained or & management, online education ef-
in EWISR 2021-22. fectiveness, and mental and emotional
“Sunbeam Suncity sited on a 30- It’s important to bear in well-being services.
acre campus 5 km from the heart of Therefore, parents looking for
the ancient city of Varanasi has a larg- mind that schools modestly an aptitudinally suitable day-cum-
er campus with seven science labs and ranked in the national league boarding school which usually offers
three libraries, whereas the Bhagwan- greater student body diversity and su-
pur school has less space to grow. The table are usually highly perior infrastructure — and teachers
Covid pandemic accelerated the mod- ranked in their host states looking for philosophically compatible
ernisation and digitisation of all our and cities schools to teach in — are advised to
schools, especially of Sunbeam Sunc- study these league tables carefully.