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             Valuable                    TEN LESSONS FOR A POST-                       and societies co-existing
                                                                                       in a now more than ever
             prescription                PANDEMIC WORLD                                inter-connected world.
                                         Fareed Zakaria
                                                                                          The titles of most of
                                         W.W. NORTON & COMPANY                         the ten lessons for the
                T’S INDIA’S LOSS and     Rs.473                                        post-pandemic age are
                America’s gain that      Pages 224                                     self-explanatory, but not
             IMumbai-born, Yale and                                                    all. The first lesson titled
             Harvard grad Fareed Za-                                                   ‘Buckle Up’ is mysteri-
             karia has made his career                                                 ous. It advises people
             in the US rather than in   anchor of a CNN current   global impact of the novel   and governments to take
             India. Over the past two   affairs television show   Coronavirus, a “single   our collective foot off the
             decades, he has emerged   which has a viewership of   particle about 1/10,000   GDP growth foot-pedal.
             as one of America’s most   220 million worldwide.    the size of the period   Urgent collaborative ac-
             respected public intellec-  Although Zakaria’s    (full-stop) that ends this   tion is needed to prevent
             tuals — author of The F u -  books and TV show tend to   sentence,” Zakaria believes   environmental destruc-
             ture of Freedom (2003),   be US-centric, he does oc-  that we now live in a   tion by resource extractive
             The Post- A meric an W orld   casionally comment on the   radically altered “post-  industries, greedy meat
             (2008), In Defence of    mess in the country he left   pandemic world” which   consumption which has
             Liberal Education (2015),   behind. But on the whole,   will “not reshape history   prompted cruel, inhumane
             and now the title under re-  his comments on India’s   so much as accelerate it”   factory farms — “the best
             view. That’s in addition to   national development ef-  — a new post-pandemic —   way to select for the most
             having served as editor of   fort and current progress   “world on steroids”. The   dangerous pathogens
             N ew sw eek  I nternational   in that direction are less   purpose of this work of   possible”, decimation of
             and Foreign Affairs, col-  than complimentary.    penetrative insights is to   glaciers, rivers, forest and
             umnist at Time and  ash -   Be that as it may,    provide important advice   mountains, in retrospect
             ington Post, and weekly   because of the unforeseen   to national governments   rightly worshipped for pro-

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