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since 2020 and over 14 of their
schools are undergoing IBCP’s
rigorous authorisation process.
Under the two-year IBCP pro-
gramme, senior students (class
XI and XII) will undertake two to
three DP subjects from the IBDP
and at least three subjects from
the IBCP curriculum as well as a
relevant career-related subject.
The Jamnabai Narsee Internation-
al School (JNIS), Mumbai is under-
going IB authorisation to offer the
IBCP in India. “As a future-focused
school, we have always used our
flexible curriculum to promote
Stefanie Leong Mahesh Balakrishnan skill-based learning and courses to
help students’ prospective career
world school -- The lack of recogni- Leong, Head of Development and paths. JNIS’s ethos of holistic de-
tion from AIU, was hampering the Recognition, Asia Pacific, Inter- velopment that goes beyond just
growth of IBCP & the programme national Baccalaureate. Interna- academics and includes life skills
was preferred only by students tional Universities like Stanford, and values, is naturally aligned to
who were certain of studying Harvard, MIT, and other popular IB’s focus on developing lifelong
abroad. Universities also accept IB quali- learning skills in all of its pro-
Now with AIU accepting IBCP fication for admissions including grammes including IBCP. We were
as an equivalent qualification for the IBCP. one of the first schools to intro-
admission into Indian universities, The IB development team is duce IB education in the country
the programme is set to become excited about the positive impact and will now be the first school
a popular choice of Plus Two stu- of AIU acceptance and expects it to offer all four IB programmes
dents in India. “The AIU recogni- to generate greater interest from to our students. Our student and
tion marks a significant milestone schools in India looking to add parent communities are happy
for IB’s development team which IBCP to their educational offering. about this new development,”
has been focussing on the growth “The Association of Indian Uni- says Sujai Jairaj, Trustee, Jamnabai
of the career-related programme versities’ acceptance of IB’s MYP/ Narsee International School.
(CP). CP’s innovative approach to DP and now the CP has a positive A great deal of interest from
upper-secondary education makes impact on IB as a valuable system the parents’ community for career
it possible for learners to leverage of education which develops ac- programmes can be attributed to
the connections that exist be- tive, compassionate and life-long the increasing acceptance of skill-
tween different types of qualifica- learners. It reassures schools, based programmes by industry.
tions to better prepare them for students and parents that the Moreover, the need to develop
life beyond school. We also know IB students have both local and skill-based competencies within
that universities value CP students, global pathways as well as stand- students has become more press-
thanks to their deep general ing. Additionally, schools now ing with the COVID-19 pandemic
knowledge and enthusiasm for have the option to offer a very making the future workplace vola-
learning, as well as their prepared- different package to their commu- tile, uncertain and ambiguous.
ness for undertaking research. The nities,” says Mahesh Balakrishnan, A recent study that explores
AIU recognition will benefit many Development and Recognition how fit-for-purpose the IB Diplo-
CP students in-country and Indian Manager, India and Nepal, IB, ma Programme (DP) and IBCP cur-
nationals returning to the coun- WACP has already partnered with ricula are with regards to employ-
try, who want to pursue further 25 schools in India to offer career- ability skills stresses the need for
education in India,” says Stefanie related studies to their students deliberate effort and innovative