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pedagogies to address the chal-
lenges of the 21st-century labour
market. The study concluded that,
amongst other skills, ‘communi-
cation’ and ‘ethics’ are two key
employability skills that appear
to be the most represented in
IB’s curriculum documentation,
equally included in both the DP
and CP cultivating the competen-
cies that students need to respond
for future employment.
Balkishan Sharma, founder-
director of World Academy of
Career Programmes (WACP),
popular for Career relevant stud-
ies in India and overseas, believes Balkishan Sharma Bhavin Shah
that WACP is well-equipped to
provide contemporary career- providing higher education path- AIU recognition of IBCP couldn’t
related programmes rooted in ways with university tie-ups across have come at a more opportune
real-world learning. “Real-world India” says Sharma. time with the NEP 2020 all set to
relevance is vital to the success WACP’s modern and enhanced change the course of education in
of our programme. WACP has curriculum blends immersive in- the country. The NEP document’s
a robust network of corporates dustry exposure through practical clause.26 speaks about giving
and prominent universities across training and internships, intensive middle years students an educa-
the world and thereby offers personal and professional devel- tion that helps them choose a vo-
unmatched practical training, cation while promoting a practice-
internships and higher education opment through classroom ses- based curriculum. The IBCP, with
pathways to students. Focused sions and workshops, combined its equal weightage to theory and
on knowledge, application and with CSR activities to create an practical, is unique in the country.
enhancing skills, our teaching experiential learning process. It I believe the IBCP’s winning propo-
methodology comprises class- also offers students higher educa- sition is ORM – ‘options’ which
room sessions, masterclasses, case tion counselling and internship were unavailable in the country
studies, projects, practical train- assistance in a wide range of cor- for class XI and XII students until
ing, group work and capstone porates, events, entertainment, now, ‘relevant’ to students’ future
projects. Our career programmes sports and media companies. needs and adds ‘meaningful’
offer the right balance of theory, The programme’s emphasis impact because it gives students
practice and experience creating a on career/skills education is also practical knowledge along with
truly futuristic curriculum aimed at synchronous with the National theory,” says Bhavin Shah, CEO
producing highly skilled individu- Education Policy (NEP) 2020’s of EducationWorld (est. 1999)
als and serving as a launchpad for thrust on vocational skills training – India’s #1 education magazine
budding entrepreneurs, as well as and experiential learning. “The with a readership of over 1 million
countrywide. EducationWorld has
been supportive of the WACP’s ef-
forts to make the IBCP a popular
choice of students in India. The
AIU equivalence of IBCP was
discussed with school leaders and
a letter to WACP was unveiled at
the EducationWorld India Schools
40+ Career-related Programmes of Eminence Awards 2021-22 held
in Delhi on October 8.