Page 105 - Education World Dec 2021
P. 105
The Punjab Public School, Nabha
T HE PUNJAB PUBLIC SCHOOL are: L t R avinder K akkar, C md R aj bir
was established in 1 96 0 with the
Sing h G ill, Wg C dr B ikram D ev, B rig
obj ective to provide q uality public
school education to deserving children Vinay Sharma and M aj Anuj Sood
( posthumously) . Nabhaites have left
of ex -servicemen, serving defence their mark in diverse fields. Popular actor
personnel and civilians. Jimmy Sherg ill fondly recalls honing his
Since inception, a host of Nabhaites acting skills in the school auditorium.
have done the school proud. P rominent M oreover, S. P artap Sing h B aj wa and
among them are: L t G en O . P . Nandraj og , Jag meet Sing h B rar, are known faces
P VSM , AVSM , VSM ( R etd) , Vice Admiral in I ndian politics. hese Nabhaites are
J. S. B edi, P VSM , U Y SM , AVSM , VSM a constant source of inspiration for the
( R etd) , L t G en J. S. L idder, P VSM , students. were no different. he students ensured
U Y SM , AVSM ( R etd) , G urinder Sing h, Affiliation. The school is affiliated with their online presence in myriad activities.
I P S ( R etd) , D arshan Sing h D haliwal, the D elhi-based C ouncil for the I ndian Co-curricular and extracurricular
entrepreneur, L t G en . K . Sapru, P VSM , School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). activities. Numerous clubs and societies
Y SM ( R etd) , D r R aj inder M . G upta, I t boasts of a separate block which offers ensure that students are productively
P h. D , G eneral B ikram Sing h, P VSM , the U K -based C ambridg e curriculum. eng ag ed throug hout the academic year .
U Y SM , AVSM , SM , VSM ( R etd) , former Staff. A team of dedicated and hig hly P ublic speaking and debates are reg ular
C hief of Army Staff, K anwar Vij ay Sing h, qualified teachers ensure the effective features in the school. M oreover, students
writer and filmmaker, Lt Gen Rajinder delivery of lessons in keeping with enlist their participation in dramatics,
Sing h Suj lana, P VSM , AVSM , VSM evolving pedag og ies. I ndian & Western music, dance, art &
( R etd) , Arvinder S. B ubber, C hancellor of craft competitions.
K wantlen P olytechnic U niversity, B ritish WHAT DO WE OFFER? Safe environment. he school provides
C olumbia, C anada, D r P awan M unj al, Games & Sports. he school lays a safe environment for boarders,
C hairman & M anag ing D irector, H ero emphasis on the physical well-being of especially g irl boarders who reside in the
M otocorp L td, P rofessor Jag mohan students offering them with a plethora state-of-the-art boarding house eq uipped
S. R aj u, Joseph J. Aresty, P rofessor, of g ames and sports options rang ing with modern facilities.
T he Wharton School, he U niversity of from athletics, hockey, football, cricket, Career counseling. he school’s career
P ennsylvania, U SA, Vice Admiral Satish table tennis, lawn tennis, badminton, cell routinely org anises counselling
Soni, P VSM , AVSM , NM , AD C ( R etd) , swimming , horse riding to taekwondo, workshops for students to g uide
lag fficer Commanding-in-Chief, shooting and skating . I t is mandatory for them towards their career choices.
E astern Naval C ommand, D r Satish boarders to choose at least one g ame. Professionals from diverse fields visit the
Jain, M D , D M , F R C P , D irector, I ndian National Cadet Corps (NCC). he school on a reg ular basis and apprise
E pilepsy C entre, P resident, I ndian school hosts Army, Naval and Air wing s students on the latest j ob market trends.
E pilepsy Association, Advisor, ealth of the National C adet C orps and provides Infrastructure. Spread across 1 0 5 acres,
C are, H uman Services & F amily Welfare training to students in their formative T he P unj ab P ublic School, Nabha offers
D epartment of the g overnment of Sikkim, years for their induction into the armed residential q uarters for teachers, coaches
D r . Vij ay Sing h, P h. D . , P rofessor of forces later in life. he school provides and support staff. B oarding houses for
P ractice in F inance and F SL D irector, the rig ht environment for students to senior boy students are located in Sham
P erella D epartment of F inance, C olleg e follow a string ent physical training B ag h while a separate area is earmarked
of B usiness and E conomics, L ehig h reg imen and develop leadership skills. for iddle Houses. A medical infirmary
U niversity, B ethlehem, U SA and K anwar International exposure. nternational caters to the medical needs of students.
Sandhu, journalist, public figure ex posure is provided to students throug h A multi-facility sports complex offers
M ember of the L eg islative Assembly R ound Sq uare, M U N, AF S and a host of students a rich menu of indoor g ames as
Several of the Nabhaites have also other platforms. he students reg ularly well as body building training . All cultural
been awarded g allantry awards. he compete in national and international activities are org anised in the 5 0 0 -seat
proud recipients of Shaurya C hakra conferences. he C ovid pandemic years school auditorium.