Page 100 - Education World Dec 2021
P. 100
malayan foothills offering breathtak-
ing vistas, Woodstock has cemented
its position as India’s oldest, wholly
residential international school distin-
guished by its American curriculums
and pedagogies, excellent pastoral
care and extensive co-curricular and
sports education facilities. This year’s
11,548 sample respondents have again
voted the IB-affiliated Woodstock the
country’s #1 international residential
school with highest scores under the
parameters of pastoral care and men-
tal and emotional well-being services
across all categories of international
schools (day, day-cum-boarding and
“We are thrilled with this re-en-
dorsement as we carry forward our leg-
acy of sustained excellence. Although
the government-mandated pandemic
Woodstock’s Craig Cook: crisis into opportunity lockdown significantly disrupted our
activities, we made a determined ef-
International residential schools affiliated with offshore fort to transform the pandemic crisis
school-leaving examination boards are the most glamorous into an opportunity to immerse our-
and exclusive schools countrywide. This explains why the selves in online teaching-learning,
while also taking care of students and
league table of these schools is the smallest in EWISR their mental health. That’s why I am
delighted with our top score under the
lthough many — perhaps sports education norms verified by parameter of mental and emotional
thousands — of K-12 strict audits as conditions precedent well-being. We will continue to pro-
schools across the country for affiliation. This explains why gen- vide students wholeness and stability
Aincorporate the descriptive uine international schools offer excel- through our holistic offline and online
‘international’ into their institutional lent sports and co-curricular facilities, learning pedagogies,” says D r. C ra ig
titles, in the annual EducationWorld expatriate faculty and international C ook , an alumnus of Biola University,
India School Rankings (estb.2007), curriculums and pedagogies. It also California and Ateneo de Manila Uni-
international schools are narrowly explains why the league table of in- versity, Philippines with over 30 years
defined. For evaluation and ranking ternational residential schools is the of teaching and admin experience in
purposes, the prerequisite is that smallest in the annual EWISR. schools and community development
they must be affiliated with offshore In the latest 2021-22 league table projects in the US, Philippines and In-
international school examination of India’s most admired international donesia, who was appointed principal
boards such as Cambridge residential schools, there are no sur- of Woodstock in 2019. Currently, the
International (UK), International prises with all eight institutions retain- school has 419 boarders and 130 staff
Baccalaureate (Europe) and College ing their last year’s ranks. Topping the and teachers on its muster rolls.
Board’s Advanced Placement (USA). league table for the seventh consecu- For the fifth year in succession, the
These offshore exam boards pre- tive year is the vintage W oods toc k G ood S h e p h e rd I n te rn a tion a l
scribe elaborate and detailed infra- S c h ool , M u s s oori . Constructed S c h ool , O oty ( G S I S ) is ranked #2
structure, teacher-pupil ratios, teach- in 1854 by American missionaries on followed by K oda i a n a l I n te rn a -
ing training and co-curricular and a scenic 250-acre campus in the Hi- tion a l S c h ool ( K I S ) at #3. Sprawl-